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Re: If only people would be open to hearing it though.
BalancedStep Views: 5,189
Published: 16 y
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Re: If only people would be open to hearing it though.

I am in a similar situation....very nice person, but she kept taking my energy away. She's by herself and not working and I have always cared for her, but I can't simply be on the phone almost every night for an 1/2 - 1 hour when I need time for myself to re-charge, no matter how much I would love to be there for her.

We both have similar health issues, but my path has started to turn once I discovered this froum, while she still feels most comfortable going to the Naturopath, taking supplements and is monitored by testing, yet after years of this, she's only improved some and still is not 100%, although she feels more stable now. She also has Hashimotos and clearly has a goiter. She would probably also benefit from more Iodine but she feels the info about restricting Iodine for Hashi patients (to avooid hyperfunction) is possibly more correct.

I told her about the fluoride in teas, to avoid coffee and why eating mostly raw foods is so important to which her comment was: "Well, then why then live?!"




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