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COQ10 and OIl for Bad Breath - my results
  Views: 5,648
Published: 16 y

COQ10 and OIl for Bad Breath - my results

Unfortunately this treatment did not work for me. I had several eliminations since trying it but unfortunately it did nothing. I did the 4000 mg two times, then I did 2,000 mg. - taking the oil and even fish oil capsules with each dose. And I never saw anything that looked to be parasites (worms, etc.)

I only suffer from bad breath, so I don't know if candida/ parasites would be my issue. It seems most people here that've been helped suffer from BO to. But trust me the bad breath is bad on its on. It fills up the entire workspace and more at my job.

I'm so discouraged and depressed. I don't know where else to go or what to try next. I am being put through hell at work - literally - laughed and sniffed at - fragrances sprayed over my head constantly that make me sick. I spend a large part of the day sitting at my desk crying and the people who know whats being done to me do nothing. I'm in such bad shape. I so feel like if I don't wake up tomorrow it'd be an approvement. I don't know - but I can't believe the other side (heaven or wherever we go) would hurt this much.



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