Re: SSKI and SSKI 2%
Thank you - I really hope this will work better for me. I just could not tolerate the Iodoral. Each time I tried, I'd get all stressed out again and my body tempreature sank too low. I just can't function that way.
The whole trouble started when I started taking the Iodoral and was up to 6 tabs a day. I understand about the detox reactions and all that, but I have since had no sugar, no more tea or anything containing fluoride, never in my life smoked, although have been a second hand smoker some, considerably increased raw foods, salt flushes and water intake, all supported with the ercommended supplements for detoxing.
Therefore I though I should have been over quite a bit of detox already, but each time I slowly increase the Iodoral, I get super stressed again.
I have been quite frustrated and my heart seems to be still affected by the whole ordeal too, although the EKG 6 weeks ago turned out OK. I am able to physically work, but I still have this chest tightness on the left side and some odd pain.