Oil Pulling (was Re: Tooth/Gum Sensitivities after LF)
And there's NO reason for rolling this mixture around all over your teeth.
Okay... I tried to swish all my drinks for max assimilation. I suppose there's exception to that when it involves highly acidic food such as lemon.
If that wasn't one of my "front eight", that suc*** would be outta my mouth by the end of the week. I'd gladly lose one, to be able to keep the rest!
I don't think I can lose it. It's deep, right at the very end. I need that for structural support? Although I'm grinding it every night. My dentist try to push the idea of a night guard - another clutch! No Way!
There's no such thing as "too much circulation" here...oil pulling would be fantastic, as well as gum massage with your fingers.
I ditched tooth paste and oil pulled (sesame and coconut) for 2mths prior to IP. It definitely made a difference. I got lazy with that routine after started IP.
If I understood yr other post regarding teeth re-mineralization correctly, then one should oil pull right after brushing when the teeth is free of plaque and just leave the oil on to keep re-mineralizing? There's no need to brush off the oil, right? And, why Oil Pulling on empty stomach? Is that just to enhance circulation?
I don't know why I still get lots of plaque while juice fasting? Where do the excess calcification come from? Hm... I remember when I suck on honey, it gets worse... But, even w/o honey, I still get quite a bit of plaque... Speaking of excess calcification, I just remember I forgot to order the Kidney/Stone tea... *Sigh* Next Time....
thx, tie.