I've developed very sensitive tooth/gum after several LFs with citrus, esp. with LEMON. I usually rinse my mouth with baking soda immediately after the cocktail. Apparently that's not enough. I also tried using a straw, but I have a habit of whosing before swallowing (Some good habit can be BAD at times). Anyways, I had to stop drinking the cocktail mid-way just to give the tooth/gum a break during my last LFlush....I assume by "whosing", you mean some kind of swishing or whoosing :) STOP IT right now, young lady! You're obviously hurting your teeth! And there's NO reason for rolling this mixture around all over your teeth. Dr. Schulze "just STOP doing what is bad for you and START doing what is good for you!" You've got the self-control not to do any 'whosing'! :::grin:::
Basically, one quadrant of my gum is not in very good shape since the onslaughter of dental treatments on/and for over a period of 15yrs. It started with a few poor attempts to repair a chipped tooth with filling and finally ended up with a bad crown job 6yrs ago. The crown was not perfectly smooth/aligned and since then I've been getting chronic infection, deep pockets and reciding gum line. I know that I have to get that replaced eventually (more pain and $$$ and no guarantee that the next dentist would do a better job!). Only one tooth? causing a whole quadrant of issues? If that wasn't one of my "front eight", that suc*** would be outta my mouth by the end of the week. I'd gladly lose one, to be able to keep the rest! We need to get some high-dose echinacea in you for a month, along with raw garlic. How you doin' with raw garlic these days? (whoops, you said you're doing that below, nevermind)
Meanwhile, not knowing what to do... and get ready to laugh... I just stuff some Hemorroid Fixer Upper (what soothes one end would probably do the trick on the other ;)...???) at the affected area and continue with my enchincea tincture and mega garlic routine... I also found these related formulas at Uny's store... With a deep seated dental infection, you likely need 2-4 teaspoons/ 8-16 droppersful a day of the Echinacea, consistently for at least a month. Your doctor within "did you good", that 'Rhoid Fixer upper would be VERY good for receding/tender/infected gums. Both white oak bark AND slippery elm are antisceptic! And the white oak is a strong tightener...and full of minerals.
1. Dr Schulze's Tooth & Gum Oil
2. Dr Christopher's Herbal Tooth Powder
and the description of them at...
It's interesting that the so-called "Dr. Christopher's Original Tooth and Gum Powder" selling at Dr. Christopher's official store (and all other stores)
is soooooooo vastly different from the formula in his ORIGINAL handbook.....Yes, Dr. Christopher's children have TOTALLY kow-towed to the Posers That Be, and eliminated comfrey from every formula he had it in. I'm glad I'm not going to be in their shoes if there ever comes a 'day of accountability'...or if they have to meet/see their father again. He risked his life, his freedom and everything he possessed to ensure people were healed. They dishonor his legacy and suck up the to the PTB and get rich off his legacy...while hurting people. Don't EVEN get me started!
Anyways, any comments, tips and advices would be MOST welcomed and greatly appreciated! If you have sensitivity due to thinning enamel, you can use the Christopher Tooth Powder, but don't brush your teeth with it...just rub/pack it into your gums and gently push it into/on the base of your teeth/gums before bed. Dr. Schulzes liquid formula isn't abrasive in any way, and is extremely antiseptic and creates strong circulation and flow in the gums. Gotta get that FLOW to those poor infected gums!!! If I had only the money for one, I'd go with Schulze on this one.
There's no such thing as "too much circulation" here...oil pulling would be fantastic, as well as gum massage with your fingers. If it were me, I'd dip my finger in echinacea tincture and rub it in (echinacea does have antiseptic properties :)
Heal ON!
If that wasn't one of my "front eight", that suc*** would be outta my mouth by the end of the week. I'd gladly lose one, to be able to keep the rest!
I don't think I can lose it. It's deep, right at the very end. I need that for structural support? Although I'm grinding it every night. My dentist try to push the idea of a night guard - another clutch! No Way! A molar or wisdom tooth that's degrading 'at the very end'. I'd try to remineralize it, but if I couldn't restore it to my satisfaction, I think I'd likely have it yanked. 'Tis likely no dentist would recommend a simple extraction (citing "structural support"), but that's because a constant problem is a 'forever income' compared to a simple extraction. They don't have any problem extracting wisdom teeth ...so obviously (to me) structural support at the end of a row of teeth must not really be necessary. Now if it were inbetween two teeth, I'd have to answer "I don't know".
If I understood yr other post regarding teeth re-mineralization correctly, then one should oil pull right after brushing when the teeth is free of plaque and just leave the oil on to keep re-mineralizing? There's no need to brush off the oil, right? And, why Oil Pulling on empty stomach? Is that just to enhance circulation? Yes, I'd use the OPing to enhance circulation, and do it 'typically' (before brushing the teeth) - then I'd brush them with the Tooth & Gum liquid, take double doses of the Herbal Calcium, and pack them at night with the Tooth & Gum formula. (The Herbal Calcium is EASILY for the the body to use & assimilate and does NOT cause problems like the rock-based calcium can cause).
I don't know why I still get lots of plaque while juice fasting? Where do the excess calcification come from? Hm... I remember when I suck on honey, it gets worse... But, even w/o honey, I still get quite a bit of plaque... I wish I could be more helpful on 'what causes plaque'...I only know what "they" tell us, and I'm pretty sure they're not telling us the truth (or the whole story). I honestly think that the Tooth & Gum formula (with the Tea Tree oil would be very beneficial against plaque formation). Speaking of excess calcification, I just remember I forgot to order the Kidney/Stone tea... *Sigh* Next Time....:::grin::: and you just forgot to order it again (silly girl).
You've come a LONG way baby :) - keep up the good work! Unyquity
thx, tie.