...a good "guinea pig" anymore. Back in the bad-ole days, it was SO easy to judge and discern repsonses. It's so much more subtle now. That's a good thing, of course...but it's so much tougher to "discern" and gauge.
Although, I've still got a lingering liver issue I'm contending with, and I've been doing two back-to-back coffee enemas daily for a week. Verrrrry interesting, and I'm learning a LOT about my liver. Newest finding: everytime I hear a substantial 'liver sound', I have a corresponding urge to expel. If I leave the tubing in and unclamped, there's actually a small backwash of enema solution into the enema bucket (one time there was a 'dentonation' in my liver, and fluid in the enema bucket actually "spashed". This corresponds (methinks) with "back pressure" via the hepatic portal vein/artery. It may have something to do the with increased intestinal peristalsis caused by the CE...but there's virtually no 'lag time' between the liver noise and the 'back pressure'. I just LOVE figgerin' out this stuff :)