Re: Other considerations. Vegetarians vs. Meat eaters
Good questions Fledgling.
As far as the body literally creating what it needs from whatever you eat sounds good but only goes so far. Malnutrition IS legitimate. But then again, in a crisis situation where your body is on the line everyday who knows what can happen. Quatum physics and all that.
As far as the water we drank, well, yeah it was pretty good water except for the Agent Orange in it. But it was pretty clean. Came right out of the highlands, no city polutants or anything like that.
The bug killer is pretty good stuff. When loaded with parasites they get first shot at the nutrition, you get what's left over. And the Humaworm is great stuff. So your diet must be adequat.
Truth will set you free. Dr. Ott's has some great information.
What I've experienced over the years and what I've observed other folks going through is when presented with the various truths necessary to overcome the physical problems the mental information shows up to neutralize the lies that were forced on you as you lived your life. The lies do indeed impede your progress and must be handled as your physical health elivates.
At first I thought the mental part of it was just me because of the war stuff. But I see everyone else go through it as their health elivates. The mental Guru's say it's the other way around and sometimes it is (as you just experienced with Dr. Ott's material) but most of the time you need to address the physical before the mental is capable of accepting the level of truth necessary to live in peace and love and to truly enjoy physical existence. But that's a good way of putting it. Unburried. That is indeed what has happened.
The key to unburying all those mental things is a total confrontational attitude on the individuals part. Quit thinking - start looking. As you said, it's almost too easy. But you'd be surpirsed how scared people get when it comes to looking. What helped me a lot was the fact that no matter how bad the memory is you're only looking at the mental pictures of it and the pictures can't hurt you.
Confront everything, look real close at it and let it prove itself as truth. If it does, embrace it as part of you. Because you are indeed right. Embracing lies does indeed make you sick.
Unfortunately most people don't know they're being lied to. But once in the life and death trap they have set up you tend to get serious about all this and see very plainly that the lies are making you sick.
But before you can see that the physical has to be debugged and straightened out and cleaned up and fed some good stuff a bit.
Which explain why most folks don't like to do programs like this. It is literally being "born again" on all levels. Physical, then mental and finally spiritual. Cool huh???
Power, what is it??? I'll be putting together a little essay about it pretty soon here. That's what it all comes down to. Who's got the power, the people that own the money or people that embrace the universal energies?
Yeah, I've studied Kubler-Ross's work. Great women. They stole her hospice work and turned into nothing more than mass drugging to make sure the patient dies like they're "supposed" to. I've watched them take a beautiful, wonderful, experience and turn it into a genocide machine. Applying it to people that aren't dying and that have a good 30-40 years of life left to live.
And besides, if you're not "supposed" to go yet, and you know it, you WILL fight with everything you've got to stay alive. Been there many times. It's not that you fear it, it's you ain't done yet. And it IS a bit scary. Don't believe those hot-shots that say they aren't afraid of dying. They haven't been close enough to it yet. When your times up that's one thing but otherwise you'll fight and it does scare you.
I've studied the near death experience at length and that makes a whole lot more sense than what the religions come up with. It proves a lot of what the relgions say and at the same time disproves a lot of what the religions say.
Agent Orange: Didn't know a damn thing about it. Still don't know much about it. So that eliminates any mental predisposition with it. But I learned it sure does mess you up. That was big in the 70's and 80's. What was making us so sick? We didn't know and Agent Orange had been used for years by the railroads without any problems.
When I finally passed it the hopelessness was gone. I knew by the time I got to the bathroom door something was different. It took two days to figure it out. That hopelessness that I didn't even know I had was now gone. I now knew I could beat whatever was wrong with me. So chemical poisoning is very subtle. I see it all the time in the office. I can tell if I'm talking to the person or the chemicals he's taking via prescription drugs. Besides look at the cocaine or heroin or even booze for that matter, chemicals do affect the mental.
No "belief", only truth. And truth is the same for everyone. If I drop these keys they do indeed fall.
Seek and test. Seek the information you need and test whatever information comes into your life. Scriptures puts it: "Test the spirits".
Truth needs not be defended, it will defend itself. I think it was Dr. Ott who said something to the effect that truth only needs to be heard, the truth itself will convert the soul. You must be able to hear it and of course most people aren't. Big step though on a personal responsibility level. But it DOES lead to freedom and that sure is nice.
Thanks for the questions Fledgling, it's always nice talking to you.