Re: How long to take it before making claims?
Hi ILM,SF and Morbid, Interesting question.I have been on a holistic path for many years for treatment of MS, so may have benefited from the knowledge of how detox and oxygen therapy works for me. This is my understanding of my experiences over the past 20+ months.
I don't say that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is Oxygen but it worked to do some of the chores that oxygen normally does and allowed me to feel better oxygen levels while taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I was fortunate that I decided to try to keep the Chlorine Dioxide levels pretty much level through the day. So I took more doses and kept my drops fairly low for several months.
I didn't try to diminish the taste by adding juice. I also reduced my vitamin, Mineral, antioxidants and one med LDN which I thought might interfere with the action of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . My goal was to rid my body of the pathogens.
I believe people such as myself who have been ill for what seems a lifetime will have to understand that their systems are weak, deeply toxic and damaged. Their systems will not have the strength to through off the toxins such as Mercury, heavy metals and dieing pathogens. These toxins when released from the cells where they hide can and do impact all our systems. Therefore we feel many old symptoms we may have felt as these deposits were accumulating. This may be due to the increased metabolism which I experienced. I lost 15 lbs without dieting and later lost another 5 lbs.
Someone who gets Malaria isn't dealing with the same level of long term or chronic damages to organs, glands and activity.
Also the Malaria pathogen is much more available as Malaria is virulant, active and accute. This is why I believe it takes less time and the large doses may be less reactive for Malaria victoms. Their systems are not as impacted and can respond to higher doses well.
I reported the changes brought on by the MMS protocol as I experienced them. I was very excited because it stopped so many symptoms of MS, Lyme, and all symptoms of pathogens infection I was found positive for went away. My pre skin cancer spots fell off. My balance and stiffness stopped. My digestion improved. My sleeping improved, snoring stopped. My spasms and painful joints stopped. My asthma improved. My sinus cleared and my hearing improved. My kidneys and bladder improved. There are more symptoms which stopped but I already mentioned them many times.
I had a bit of bowel urgency felt a little nausea on several occasions but I am so thankful that Jim Humble felt drawn to share his experiences and allow us to find ways to use it to our benefit. I really feel blessed because although I have experienced a long 50 years of pain, illness, fatigue and cognitive problems, I am better now. All symptoms are gone except the nerve damage which caused cognitive problems and I feel so much better. I took the protocol for 10 months and stopped for 10 months. I maintained my improvements and started doing nutritional support to rebuild the cognitive damage. MMS is in my opinion one of the most beneficial treatment I have used. It certainly made a difference in my health. I am concerned that the lyme may be in a dormant phase so I am taking a plant extract called Spiro which is formulated to take out the dormant phase. I hope that everyone who decides to take this protocol for a long term illness will start with low doses and don't try to increase more than one drop per week. This is important we don't want to stimulate our immune systems with an overload. Thanks ILOVEMAMA for your relevant posts. MW