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Re: The Candida is Killed by Alkalinity Myth
ketchup Views: 3,426
Published: 16 y
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Re: The Candida is Killed by Alkalinity Myth

I did a quick Google (scientific articles only) and from what I saw, it seems that most bad bacteria thrive in a neutral (midrange ph) to slightly alkaline environment.
Most good bacteria, like acidophilus (the name means "acid loving")
1/thrive in an acidic environment and
2/contribute to a sound intestinal and vaginal environment by converting Sugar to acid: lactic acid, malic acid, etc.

So not only a sound intestinal environment is defined as acidic but also, by eliminating completely all natural Sugar from your diet, you make the growth of beneficial bacterias impossible. The trick is therefore:
1/ to eat some carbs to feed your good bacteria AND
2/ to create an environment where only good bacteria will thrive and bad ones will not do well, so that the good ones finally outnumber (not eliminate) the bad ones. Candida is only dangerous if it takes over and turns into rhizome form.


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