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Insight!!! Woohoo!!!...Re: Hawthorn Tincture testimony/castor oil questions...
healinginHiswings Views: 2,843
Published: 16 y
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Insight!!! Woohoo!!!...Re: Hawthorn Tincture testimony/castor oil questions...


>>I haven't had a slow heart rate like that since I was "back in high school" and in shape.<< AMAZING! ::Crowd roars::

OK, on castor oil- IT WORKS FAST! And see, you absorbed it into your body and even TASTED it (sorry about that, but taste it!) Aren't our bodies cool? Uny probably has some ideas for the taste, but I'm thinking cloves or peppermint.

>>Does castor oil have laxative or any such effects even when used externally and absorbed into the system?<< It sure does! One of the things we used to do for our ladies who were due or overdue was to suggest castor oil. Usually the mere suggestion of taking castor oil was enough to bring the baby. lol I only did it myself once. BLEH! But in two days I was holding my son. :-)

Oh, yeah, castor oil is kinda sticky and real hard to get out of clothes and bedding. It's OK, you can get new sheets and towels when you're well. :-D

GOOD JOB! I am SO happy for you!



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