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My visit to gastroenterologist
Cheshire77 Views: 11,807
Published: 16 y

My visit to gastroenterologist

Went to see a gastroenterologist today, just to give mainstream medicine an opportunity to provide a diagnosis and solution to my chronic bowel 'disorder'.

I gave him all my symptoms, which only flare up if I go off my low carb diet or take Antibiotics . At the first mention of candida, he rolled his eyes and said, "to honest I'm not a great believer in candida", and then later "candida is very controversial".

When I mentioned that I get skin fungal rashes along with my other symptoms, he suggested it was an autoimmune response. When I said that the rashes were in normal fungal areas and that they respond to antifungal creams, he had no answer.

He also had no explanation for why I have bowel problems for months after Antibiotics .

He then suggested celiac disease, but that didn't explain how my symptoms are provoked equally by Sugar and rice as bread.

Then he scheduled a colonoscopy, and he said he was quite confident he would find parasites, and that these could be killed with Antibiotics . I will have the colonoscopy, and I will be interested in the results, including any parasites, but he will have to be pretty convincing for me to take any antibiotics.

I cannot believe how guys like this can continue to refuse to entertain even the possibility that a bowel overgrowth of candida can be a problem for some people. It's not like he could suggest anything else that fitted all the symptoms. I think guys like this have their heads stuck right up their own large bowels.

In due course I will probably try another gastroenterologist, one who is not so narrow minded. Why bother, I hear you ask? Well it would be nice to get a professional diagnosis and possibily some professional help.


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