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Observations after 41 liver flushes, Migraines gone, Allergies down 98%, Arthritis Down 98%
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Observations after 41 liver flushes, Migraines gone, Allergies down 98%, Arthritis Down 98%

Hello fellow flushers!

I thought it might be helpful, especially for newbies, to get an idea of what one person experienced.  Everyone's experience will be different, as we all have different genetics, lifestyles, and diets.  But there might be some similarities to what others are experiencing, and this can give you an idea of what is possible.  Hopefully, my experiences might help you save time!

Symptoms before beginning:  Migraines (3-4 per week, some debilitating), arthritis (hands = genetic origin, right knee = sports injury), environmental allergies (coniferous trees, mold, industrial glue), intermittant twinges and movement in the liver region, a constantly stiff back, the sensation of having a stuffed football under my right rib, loss of my gall bladder due to repeated gall bladder attacks over a 3-year period, operation performed when I was 23.  Many other symptoms which I had not connected to liver problems, including a strange series of illnesses and a case of Hepatitis A.

I used Moritz' Liver Flush protocol.

Flush frequency:  I did the first 4 flushes every 5 weeks.  I did the next 6 flushes every 4 weeks.  I did the next 3 flushes 3 weeks apart, and until around flush 25 did them every 2 or 3 weeks apart, depending on how my body had handled the previous flush.  When fewer stones were released, I usually had less toxin problems and could do the next flush sooner.

Flushes 1-12:


Flushes 1-6 1 liter (4 8-ounce glasses) of apple juice each day.  I gained too much weight and developed a real dislike for apple juice, which I used to love.

Flushes 6-12 I used apple pectin capsules.  This method took 9 days instead of 6.  I took 5 500-mg capsules of apple pectin in the morning and another 5 at night for 9 days (10 capsules a day for 9 days).  It was cheap and convenient, but I sometimes forgot to take a dose or two.

The first 12 flushes seemed to prepare my organs to get rid of the really big rocks.  The initial logjam was loosened with the first intake of 1 liter of apple juice in preparation for the first liver flush (stones appeared from day 2 of the 6 day preparation period, putting to rest the idea that these stones are made of olive oil soap!)  I noticed all the extreme reactions in these first 12 flushes:  wild mood swings, and wild energy swings. I was also quite strict during the 6 day preparation period, for the first 6 flushes going vegan during the last 3 days, and for the last 6 flushes going vegan only the day before the flush.  This made me very moody (bilious?).  After drinking the OO/citrus, I could feel the stones moving out of the liver at times, feeling like a hand being dragged lightly across the skin in a crescent shape, but within the liver.  I never felt pain.  I sometimes felt mild nausea (most likely as a direct result of the obnoxious ES) but I never threw up.  During stone release, I rested completely, I didn't feel that any particular position was more effective than another, so long as I was horizontal, relaxed, and completely still.  The next morning, I counted stones, catching them in a sieve, rinsing them in the toilet bowl with water and then in the shower, and I saved the biggest ones from all the flushes in labeled plastic bags in the freezer.  After all the stones had finished being eliminated, I was weak and irritable for about 4 - 6 hours, followed by improved energy and mood, ending in a great boost in energy and high spirits later in the evening.  The release of toxins from the liver caused a few pimples to appear, and, mysteriously, I developed some flesh-coloured moles on the neck, which traveled around the neck and disappeared over the course of 10 days following each of the first 6 flushes.  This disappeared after a Master Cleanse.  During the second set of 6 flushes, I experienced a rash around my nostrils for about 10 days, which faded until the next flush.   I dealt with herxheimer's effect by detoxing with lots of water, detox foot pads, dry skin brushing followed by a coconut oil massage, detox baths, liver and kidney support herbs.  From about the 3rd flush on, I noticed an itchy, irritated feeling at a point about 1/2 way down the inside arch of my right rib, and I suspect that the deluge of stones passing into and through the main bile duct at it's jucture with the liver had irritated the tissue there.  This irritated feeling always faded if I took liver-support herbs, which contained small amounts of milk thistle.  I also discovered that licorice extract helped to relieve this irritation.  I was very cautious about milk thistle in this period, but in very small doses in a complex, it did not hurt me and the complex saved me a lot of irritation.  I also suspect that each liver flush stretched the main bile duct, enabling larger stones to pass through later.


My stones in this time were up to about 2.5 cm, and I generally produced about 250 stones per flush.  By the 6th flush, allergies, arthritis and migraines were lessening, and I experienced the rapid relief of about 50% of allergies, arthritis, and migraines within this period.

Flushes 12 - 18

Preparation:  Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), 4-6 tablespoons mixed in 500 ml water, drunk in sips throughout the day.  Cheap, low calorie, effective, but the taste!  I learned to add a few tablespoons of apple juice, cranberry juice, or black cherry concentrate, all of which also contain malic acid and contributed to softening stones in preparation for the flush.

I did the most experimentation with flush protocols during this period.

During the 12th or 13th flush, I felt that a big one had got stuck and was really uncomfortable, so I did a 2nd flush the next day (with no rest period); that stone felt like a stone, jammed in under my ribs.  I was enormously wiped out with 2 back-to-back flushes, but produced more than 500 stones, including some around 2.8 cm.  This is not something I recommend unless you are desperate; I think doing a 2nd 1/2 dose of the olive oil/citrus mixture the next morning, 2 hours after the 3rd ES and 2 hours before the 4th ES, would probably be just as effective and not so hard on the body.

I ran out of my kidney support herbs (a very mild complex) and my kidneys did not handle the continuous strain of repeated flushes so well the next flush.  I developed severe edema (swelling of tissue) under both eyes; I looked like I'd been in a fight!  And talk about back pain - pure agony.  There appeared to be blood or signs of an infection in my urine.  I was at the point of going to the hospital in an ambulance when I thought to ask for advice from CZ.  Ghostfalcon told me about Banaba tea, which is easily obtained in Japan, where I live (and by internet).  I got some, used it immediately, kept drinking a fresh glass when the pain returned, and 4 days later was pain- and symptom- free.  Banaba tea can eliminate kidney stones and help fight off infections in the urinary tract, among other things.  My take from this:  Do mild kidney cleansing following EACH liver flush, and a good, solid kidney cleansing every 4 or 5 liver flushes.  Or, by God, you'll be sorry.

The next 4 - 6 flushes produced the largest stones, nay, boulders, of all the flushes I've done.  I could feel these guys pass through the main bile duct and hear them thrash about through the intestines on their way out to freedom.  Rumble, rumble, rumble.  Experienced flushers know exactly what I mean.  I didn't follow the vegan preparation period anymore (I cannot be anything other than a omnivore) but I was still pretty careful to do prep for the recommended time.  I also learned that I could handle a little bit of meat on the day following the release of stones, so long as it was just a small amount.  I had done several Master Cleanses (one lasting 3 weeks, the others being 10 days) and I think these two detoxing methods can support each other, provided you space them out adequately.  Herxheimer effect reduced during flushes 12-18.  I still used detox foot pads, detox baths, lots of water, added magnesium supplements to the prep (500 mg in the morning and night for a day or two before), and started using milk thistle, cautiously.  I had no bad side effects from using milk thistle, although some people have been hurt.  If you try this herb this early, be careful, if there is ANY liver pain, stop immediately!  I was lucky.  During this time, I could feel stones settling into new positions about 8 - 10 days after a flush, and knew it was time to start preparing for the next flush.  Flushes were about 3 weeks apart.

Results:  I averaged about 350 stones per flush during this time, some as large as 3.2 cm (I had several of this size, and maybe 6 over 3,0 cm).  Migraines were reduced by about 80% (maybe 2x a month, and not bad), arthritis was reduced to about 80-85% (my knee only occasionally twinging on cold, wet days), and about a 90% reduction in allergies.

Flushes 19 - 24

Preparation:  ACV in water.

I followed the basic Moritz flush protocol for all my flushes, but during this period, I did not experiment much, due to pressing personal problems.  The number of stones fell during this period, and also the size.  I thought I was making some error with diet or preparation, but even with diligence, the results varied greatly from flush to flush.  I still don't know why.  I also went for long periods with no arthritis and allergies, to the point where I forgot that I had had allergies.

Flushes 24-36

Preparation:  4 - 8 tbsp per day of ACV with various juices (apple, cranberry, blueberry, black cherry concentrate) mixed with water.

My preparation was occasionally lax but always produced stones. I started experimenting with liver and kidney cleansing herbs (Moritz' recipe, available from many sources online), as I had cleared the liver ducts with liver flushes and kidney ducts with banaba tea sufficiently that the toxins could safely leave each organ's tissues safely.  These teas greatly helped with detoxing. 


These stones were 1.0 cm or less except for a few which were about 1.5 cm and one monster about 2.0 cm.  I think I produced an average of 250 stones per flush, all small.The number and size of stones released continued to vacillated and decline during this time, overal, but no two flushes were every alike.  I felt that I turned a stone (so to speak) around flush 36.  Migraines had vertually disappeared.  I occasionally felt one of the 3 main symptoms (allergies, arthritis, migraines) reappear for a few days, but most of the time, I forgot about them.

Flushes 36-41:

Preparation:  ACV with black cherry concentrate, or apple pectin capsules.

I had one flush with no real stones (#40), but that was almost certainly due to an extremely sloppy preparation period (only 3 days).  The most recent flush (#41) has produced 110 tiny (0.5 cm or less) stones. I don't count stones less than about 0.2 cm.

I have changed to maintenance flushing.  Considering the early appearance of "gall bladder" stones (they all originate in the liver) in my early 20s, the fact that this runs in my family, and other liver problems since then, I believe I need to do a flush about every 4 - 6 weeks, and not quarterly likely other people.  This is a lifestyle for me, not a cure-all or a short time thing (I don't believe in diets, either).  I lost my gall bladder due to repeated gall bladder attacks and the presence of stones with every sonar exam.  This was years before CZ existed.  I've felt twinging in the liver since then, but this feeling is absent now.  My liver no longer feels like a football under my ribs.  In fact, I noticed that I felt deflated around flush 20 or so. 

Migraines:  I get one doozer a year now.  Arthritis:  down about 95%.  Allergies:  down about 98%.  I haven't caught any of the flues going around since starting liver flushing, maybe 3 or 4 years ago.  I have fought off or not gotten every cold I've been exposed to in the past 3 or 4 years since starting liver flushing.  By "fight off" I mean I did not develop the full range or severity of symptoms that others around me experienced, and in fact, I can't be sure that I actually caught anything at all.  I have not been seriously ill in this period. 

I started preparation for liver flushing (intestinal cleansing, parasite cleansing, dietary changes, started taking supplements, started drinking water) following 4 months of suffering a variety of illnesses, 2 of which required anti-biotics and trips to the hospital.  I haven't been truly sick since.   

I can't say that all these changes resulted from liver flushing.  But it has been the backbone of my health recovery.  I highly recommend it to anyone who seems to keep getting sick, or is suffering any kind of auto-immune problem, and certainly as a way to keep your gall bladder if you have "gall stones."

I hope this has been of interest!




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