Re: Question about chlorine and SD
Hi Johnny,
Just read your post and this sounds real familiar to me...
I also only have SD on the sides of my nose (down the sides) and on my eye brow and scalp.
I've been trying various tests with foods (non dairy, no wheat etc), creams (anti fungal, etc), cleaning products (soaps, shampoo's etc) for around 5 years now but nothing seems to make any permanent difference to me.
BUT, every morning when I shower it is defo worse than it was the day before. Water seems to make it not just dry up (which is a common issue for most SD sufferers) but it also flares up and becomes considerably more red than before.
I've also noticed that when I moved house (about 5 months ago) my condition got worse, which is maybe due to a change in the water source? I think you may be right about the chlorine issue...not 100% sure though.
One other point:
You say "Its going pretty good, feeling better and calmer in general, more even emotionally and my skin has improved."
This is the biggest point for me - as I am convinced that when I'm feeling good / positive, my SD calms down a huge amount. But when I'm stressed and feeling down about my SD, I'm sure it has a huge affect on, not just my state of mind, but also my SD...
Let me know if any of this makes sense, or rings any bells...