Beer from aluminum cans?
Wow, are you a mess. You probably ate up your transverse colon with anti-food, beer and hot dogs, see? Add
parasite exposure from river float trips and you have to get to work on this. Don't lose hope and be patient, please. You will perk up and be able to help others.
Aluminum from canned food and drink will dry out and crack mucus membranes. That lets Candida/yeast (fed by beer) eat holes in the GI tract. Wipe out heavy metal exposure with weekly R-Lipoic Acid taken with Slippery Elm Bark tablets eaten first to sooth the stomach lining. Thayer's makes a good Slippery Elm tablet or get it in bulk off the internet. It's sweet and soothes stomach irritation.
nitrates /
nitrites in hot dogs is deadly as it blocks the uptake of oxygen to hemoglobin, creating a chronic dead-tissue state. Low oxygen lets pathogens thrive.
Gut Candida from beer and other yeast-feeding food like bread is blowing up your stomach valves with gas letting acid up burn your tummy. Stop the Candida-gas fermentation and the stomach can heal.
DHEA/KETO-7 form will not turn into other hormones and is great for women with Adrenal Insufficiency. This wipes out that component of "depression."
Sugar and nicotine and caffeine and stress eat up adrenal juice. Make sure the
Depression isn't being fed with repetitive thinking by using the free download "How Your Mind Can Keep You Well" at http:/
Use a sugar-free diet. No sweet fruits and vegetables like apples and corn. NO YEAST BREADS! No fake
Sugar substitutes that trigger the same chemical pathways. Erythritol is ok as a five-carbon
Sugar that kills pathogens that are tricked into uptaking it but can only live on six-carbon sugars.
Pantethine, the metabolized form of B-5, is the only thing that can detox the tissue-eating Candida/yeast by-product, acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde can cause irreversible tissue damage and is the component of alcohol abuse that eats the liver, for example.
Caprylic acid is very mild and kills gut Candida, and the guts are where up to 70% of mid-brain chemicals are made. "You're Nuts Because of Your Guts" is the title of my Curezone essay that expands on this protocol. Undecylenic acid is more powerful a Candida killer and harder to find; look on the internet for a good source.
Elderberry juice concentrate, a teaspoon a day, will reverse pancreatic stress and help diabetics and sugar sensitivity that causes mood swings and cravings for alcohol.
Systemic Candida can cause psychosis. It eats all your magnesium, the relaxer mineral; creates acetaldehyde, the most toxic chemical made inside the body; and creates a craving for yeast food--starch, sugar, and alcohol. The acetaldehyde makes "brain fog" as the body is poisoned, and disturbs sleep. The no-sugar diet for even a few days, and Caprylic acid, will remove insomnia.
Candida goes through a rooting stage as it eats holes in the gut and lets food particles pass undigested into the system. This makes a person chronically ill as the body is dealing with a sub-acute allergic reaction all the time. "Pray and work" as St. Benedict said. Blessings!