Spicy foods, greasy foods, fatty foods and alcohol all trigger the pancreas to work overtime. STOP consuming them for a while and let the pancreas heal (assuming it is your pancreas). You need to get a CT scan to see if you have any bile duct obstructions. Talk to your doctor and see if he will schedule you for one. You will have to drink a big gulp sized canister of barium (tastes like chalk), wait an hour or so and then get your scan. It will coat all of the areas of your digestive tract including your bile duct. With this your doctor will be able to see if there are any abnormalities. If you have pancreatic issues, your liver counts will be elevated. That can be determined by targeted blood work. If your liver counts are normal, it is VERY possible that you may have a condition known as diverticulitis. It will often give similar symptoms as pancreatitis. The good news is that if it is Diverticulitis, meds can often fix it. But you need a specialist to determine what it is exactly that your facing. Pancreatitus almost did me in, so don't wait.