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In Need Of Advice Please
  Views: 1,567
Published: 16 y

In Need Of Advice Please

is it possible for gential herpes 2 to only be one bump that looks like a insect bite, not a blister, just a bump and stay for over a month never pop open , never get bigger or smaller and never itch ,hurt or any thing ????....I went to the dr for a regular check up and she found the bump on the 31 of march and the 8 of april they called me and said it was herpes 2.....i dont know to believe the blood test or not since it has not went away does not itch burn or any thing....from all i have read on here herpes are blisters and do not last as long as i have had the bump .....the bump is on the inside lip on the gentials...i would have never knew the bump was there if i didnt go in for a pap smear as i do every year....could it realy be gential herpes 2 or should i see a second dr about it im never worryed...i take the valtrex pills every day...i take vit c and l-lysine...i used tee tree oil on it and even ordered the dsmo cream and it dont go away....nothing i read that says it helps for herpes makes any differecene at all the bump keeps staying there.. thanks for any advice....


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