Upgrade Your Operating System...Re: Jazzed... or is it Electrified?
I'm hanging out with David Wolfe this weekend, watching his seminar via streaming video while suckin' down seeded red grape and baby spinach juice packed with my own homemade-with-consciousness-and-LOVE Superfood.
These little golden nuggets of Truth keep popping up, and as they hit my mind, I'm going to share them with you.
Last night, David said that we need to get into the place where we say "I want to LIVE." I was thinking about that. I thought- "I want to LIVE!" Not die, not survive, not scrape by, not hurt, not squeak through... actually LIVE! Fully, abundantly, completely. I want ALL of it. I want the BEST. OK, maybe my best is different than your best- but I want the BEST.
It's like bread. OK, my Mom fed us white bread and Oscar Meyer balogna with Kraft American cheese spread with French's mustard sandwiches with Fritos and Ding Dongs or Twinkies. She gave us a dime for a little carton of milk at school. We were eating Fruit Loops with WHOLE milk for breakfast, and fish sticks, canned corn, and tater tots for dinner.
When I got married, we upgraded to wheat bread. Roman Meal. That was a big deal. I started homeschooling, and I started making our own bread. My friends were grinding their own wheat. We all got bread makers.
Then we were like, whoa! Ezekiel bread. And we did that whole thing. Then about five years ago I came to Curezone, and y'all were like " there are like, molds and stuff growing on the grains, dudette, so you really need to think about sprouting your grains and dehydrating flax crackers. Now everybody's into chia.
So as we learn more, and raise our consciousness about what we are putting into our bodies, everything just upgrades. We upgrade our operating systems. We have food technology, herbal technologies, EMF-eliminating technologies, oxygen, helio- and hydro- technologies. It's great.
We need to start INSISTING on the best. Why do we drink tap water when we KNOW we both require and NEED the best water? Why are we even accepting this inferior water in our cities? Of COURSE we're going to choose the organic produce. You know the organic section in my HEB grocery store used to be one little bookshelf sized case? Now there's about six cases of it. Why? Because I'm secretly dating the produce manager? lololol No, because the produce guy is smart. Because I and others talk to him. "Hey- I'm raw vegan doing this thing... and I have to have the best there is. What can you actually get for me?" I ASK.
Hello- "ask and ye shall receive." The answers are out there waiting for us, people. What's going to empower me? What's going to make me stronger? How am I going to eliminate this bad calcium buildup in my body tissues that is actually aging me (ps- ask Uny about Dr. Christopher's bad calcium flush).
So how do we do this? The full program. Open the bowels. Flush the kidneys. Clean the parasites. Get the creepy crawlies out. Get the "juices flowing," literally. Eat the Superfood grasses. Get out in the sun. Walk barefooted in your yard. Geez. Don't you know the Posers That Be don't want you doing this stuff? Why are they trying to ban everything? Ban organic gardening? WHY??? Because there is POWER there. So what do we need to be asking for and doing? :-) :-) :-)
Do it. Thought, word, and DEED. Love people in DEED. Do the Natural Healing protocols in DEED. Walk the walk in DEED. Geez, I was on the phone with Uny earlier and she was saying "You fundamentalist Christians need to get up out of your pews and DO stuff. You metaphysical types need to get up off your meditation pillows and DO stuff!" We're just so blocked!
Do you know how genetically complex plants are? They are really smart! They know how to take stuff from nature- Mother Earth- and utilize it. If they have it going on, they don't die, do they? I mean, I am surrounded by hundreds of centuries old live oak trees. I have two in my back yard I just cherish. Sometimes I go out to get some sun and just listen to my trees. These trees are probably 400 years old or older. You know what those oak trees tell me? "Righteousness." Whoa.... good stuff.
OK, time for more juice and more of the seminar.
Press in, people. Want MORE. Ask for MORE.
Love ya lots and lots,