Re: Water cure?
I trust you have understanding of the difference of water distillation and filtering.
The water distillation removes impurities out of the water, mainly mineralization.
Water filtration removes suspended solid material from water.
“First off I started using distilled water because I was told it cures migraine headaches well it did for me with in a few days! I have also lost all past symptoms of dehydration I felt in the past and feel dehydrated if I do not consume it for a while.”
Usually migraine headache disappears in few days by drinking just ordinary water. Dehydration also is cured by drinking ordinary clean water. It will not require distilled water.
”I also believe in the detoxifying benefits of DW and the ability it has to carry nutrients to the body! I beleive distilled water both cleanses and nutrifies the body and there is much onfo on this subject and has been for years! “
There may be limited value in detoxification use for a short time. But its effect of removing minerals from body also represents a danger of creating mineral imbalance hence making its prolonged use questionable.
Distilled water doesn’t “nutrify” body as you claim. Some water after we drink becomes part of our blood and the blood will carry the nutrition where needed.
“Many say they are not swayed by the misinformation but out by those who do so for profit , but if you base your opinion on something without looking at all sides just how do you come to any real conclusions???”
It is a fact that there are fair amount of misinformation available because of sales promotions of equipment like distillers purifiers and so on. One should be able to identify the rubbish out of the facts, which is sometimes a task on its own.
Borrowing your words:
“Maybe you can start here, I'm sure there is something positive to learn here or a possible link if you have the inclination !
I don’t normally use any links but here is an exception.
Use your time wisely, learn and you may be able to live longer!