Schroth Method of physical therapy for scoliosis
I see nothing on this forum about Schroth, so perhaps a brief introduction would be informative.
The underlying problem in scoliosis is imbalances of strength and size of musculature in the back and often elsewhere (legs), which pull the spine out of alignment. The body has adjusted to and compensated for muscular asymmetry by altering posture into an abnormal scoliosis posture.
Therefore a sensible treatment will focus on correcting the posture, strengthening weak muscle groups and stretching and lengthening the overly tight muscles.
The best and most fully developed scoliosis treatment method I have found so far is the Schroth method, invented in Germany in the 1920s. It has been the standard non-surgical treatment there since the 60s. It can work for children as young as 5, adolescents, and for young and older adults. Pain is typically resolved quickly. Halting or reversing curve progression takes longer, but is only a matter of weeks in an intensive program.
Unfortunately there are not many Schroth-trained therapists in the US yet, only a dozen or so. Their numbers are increasing every year.