Dear heart here is my "little" expereince.
I did an enema last night with
Epsom Salt and then a coffee enema. It was my first enema in like 4 years and I had only done them twice before so I was nervous! I was able to take a
quart both times with out allot of cramping. (I remember the cramping being so bad that I stopped doing them when I had done them before. So maybe the lack of cramping was due to the fact that I had done them before.)
I know at first its a bit strange and scary,and you wonder, "what am I thinking!" BUT I can say with each one it gets easier. I really know that the body needs them.
So anyways, it took the rest of the night to get it out completely but I did some Yoga stretches and as I felt the water swishing around in there I imagined it washing away all that gunk. I am not in a life threatening situation but I do suffer from constipation and I felt so clean and so empty afterward. I kind of hated to eat anything(I am on potassium broths right now) because that emptiness felt so clean and good.
I know doing these enemas is going to be a bit scary but do not worry because what the docs want to do is even scarier! I am very much praying that you will have healing and can avoid the butchers. YOU have the strength because you walked out and that takes guts!! I will be doing anther one tonight and hopefuly I will have something to post. I am sending out healing thoughts.