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+Edit -Kelp - Contamination...Re: A quickie about making your own Superfood
Hmmm, I guess you ordered the lemon/orange peel that wasn't powdered? (on purpose or mistake?) However you get it in you is fine, IF you chew it well:)
Kelp? There's no such thing an "unpolluted" source, because all our waterways are polluted.
We're taking the IF#2 and the activated charcoal/clay will adsorb at least some of the toxins. You're taking additional activated charcoal, so you're 'good to go'.
Now that M/R has kelp capsules, I'm going to start suggesting folks with thyroid issues start taking them. But I'm also going to suggest they dump the bottle of capsules into a glass container of activated charcoal (EDIT)---> AND
Bentonite clay and let them set a day or so, to pull out the contaminants :)
Chew ON!