I like Vance
I've had more than one email exchange with him. He is an upright guy, and he did what many of us have done when we first got to CZ, he got into a debate forum and had a confrontation. I can see from some of the threads that the insults were being thrown from both directions quite frankly. I think we are only seeing one side of the postings.
I believe he really added value because of his scientific background. Yes I had some email exchanges about his background. We all know that you can never believe what you read, or who you are communicating to, but not one of my red flags went up with him.
He was great in the Oil Pulling forum except for one exchange, in which he apologized. Most of the forums and blogs out on the internet are not as restrictive as CZ when it comes to insulting exchanges. I think he was trying to learn his way around here, and of course fell into a bad discussion. Truly I don't know if he would ever have been patient enough to stay around here. I guess we'll never find out.
Given time, I think eventually Vance would have been a good poster at CZ. Hell a lot of us don't agree with each other many times. Some of us have just learned restraint. I remember my first days here I fell into some of the
Debate Forums and had these long screaming circular arguments with this one guy. I disliked that guy, and would talk about him to my husband like he was someone I know, socialized with......I would read his answers to my posts and my blood would boil. My husband finally convinced me that all these angry exchanges were fruitless, negative and unproductive. He was right as rain.
Personally I wouldn't mind him back, but I suspect that Vance is gone and wouldn't even have the desire to come back here.
It's unfortunate that people get a tad too sensitive at this website, and I am including myself in that comment.
So Vance if you are reading this, happy trails dude.
P.S., there are some posters at CZ that I remember were LESS than sensitive not that many years ago. Some of them are still here.