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Tincture Party! Sorry I'm late!
healinginHiswings Views: 2,068
Published: 16 y

Tincture Party! Sorry I'm late!

I got stuck at the grocery store.

OK, the first thing we're going to do is create a peaceful, welcoming, clean, and calming work environment. We're going to choose our workspace, whether it's the dining room table or breakfast bar or countertop or kitchen island, and prepare our space.

This was a trick I learned from,
and it's really effective. Always start clean and fresh, so our minds and spirits aren't cluttered and distracted by our environment. One of the steps to Natural Healing is to get rid of 1/3 of our belongings. We aren't going to do that now, but a similar principle applies.

Decide where you're going to work, and get it ready. If you've got some music you like to clean to, post it, and we can listen to it while we work.

I'll be back when I'm done. :-)



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