OK, the first thing we're going to do is create a peaceful, welcoming, clean, and calming work environment. We're going to choose our workspace, whether it's the dining room table or breakfast bar or countertop or kitchen island, and prepare our space.
This was a trick I learned from http://www.flylady.net,
and it's really effective. Always start clean and fresh, so our minds and spirits aren't cluttered and distracted by our environment. One of the steps to Natural Healing is to get rid of 1/3 of our belongings. We aren't going to do that now, but a similar principle applies.
Decide where you're going to work, and get it ready. If you've got some music you like to clean to, post it, and we can listen to it while we work.
Hey Im not tincturing tonight but Im thinking of all you guys and girls having fun. Heres someone I listen to, to chill... might be soothing...enjoy...
I am smiling at a beautiful and peaceful dining room now. :-)
Next step, decide what you're going to tincture tonight, and get those herbs out. Get your vodka out, too.
This is going to take me a few minutes, because I only have one Oompa Loompa at home at the moment, and I have a lot of herbs to pull out.
If you need a recipe for a Schulze or Christopher blend, ask here. I'm thinking liver/gall bladder, kidney/bladder, blood, BFC, Brain, the nerve formulas... what else?
The single herbs are, of course, single herbs. :-)
OK, Dr. Schulze says to put your herbs in the blender, add just enough 80-100 proof vodka to cover the herbs, and blend. He says you can mix your multi-herb blends in a bowl first if they don't all fit in your blender. Then you whirl it around enough to make an herbal-vodka soup.
Pour this into a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Uny says to make sure the lid doesn't have a paper or plastic lining in it. You let your tincture "steep" for at least two weeks before harvesting. Dr. Christopher says to shake your jars every time you pass by them. I think it would be a good idea to set a timer or make a habit to shake them before you start making meals and before you go to bed, or some idea like that. It's a lifestyle change. :-)
If possible, wait to harvest until the full moon. As Uny said, only harvest what you plan to use over a short amount of time, and let the rest of the tincture continue to get stronger and stronger.
You can also extract herbs in oil- like olive oil or coconut oil.
I'll be tincturing till fairly late in the night. :-) I'll bop in every so often.
I think I missed artichoke leaf in my order. I've got beet root powder but not beet leaf, and I don't have any chicory. What else do you suggest as a bitter green herb? I have everything else to make the liver tonic.
Wings... who has Ech and St. John's Wort under her belt! (pat pat yay me)