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Re: Weaning HC - St. John's Wort?
unyquity Views: 1,211
Published: 16 y
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Re: Weaning HC - St. John's Wort?

You might be surprised to find how quickly the St. John's may work. I always tell people "you'll like 'feel' the herbs in one moon cycle"...but several people have reported feeling the benefit in a few days. In fact on very special poster on this forum swears she felt it within hours! :)

I know we've discussed this, but it needs to be posted. St. John's Wort increases the ability of our livers to detoxify the blood. Sweet! EXCEPT, if we're dealing with pharmaceuticals that cause withdrawal issues, taking the St. John's MAY decrease the blood-level of the drug. This is not true with all pharmaceuticals, but it's something of which we must be aware.

coffee enemas are a unique healing protocol One generally doesn't feel much when doing them (sometimes an overall sense of "goodness") and possibly some liver/gallbladder sensations or sounds...but after doing them daily for several days and then stopping? One feels a "lack" of something very good.

Anything else you should be doing? In the immortal words of Dr. Schulze : "Ramp it up!" - turn up the intensity everywhere you can...ESPECIALLY with "flow"! More oxygen and blood circulating EVERYWHERE. Whatever walking/exercise you do should induce a sweat; slant boards are excellent for circulation to the brain; more garlic (strengthens the heart); laugh more and louder; PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! Remember what it was like to get so dizzy that you tumbled into the grass laughing? 'being in the warm sun and having someone squirt you with an ice cold garden hose? how you SQUEALED with joy & laughter? The wonderment of getting "almost" to a butterfly? Grass fights? Mud fights? LAUGHTER. Your inner child never COULD have suffered adrenal fatigue...bring her out and let her PLAY. When was the last time you did a somersault? When was the last time you ran through the rain? naked? :::grin:::

In the heat of every summer here, we have several glorious thunderstorms...and the first time I ripped off my clothes and ran outside and started jumping on the trampoline, Rocky53 thought for sure I'd lost my marbles. Aaah, but I felt SO good afterwards...and I look forward to it every summer.

Dr. Seuss ROCKS!



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