Hummingbird Sage
Hi Uny,
I've been weaning the HC fairly successfully until it seems this week. I started at 32.5mg and have decreased 2.5mg each week pretty smoothly. I'm now at 22.5mg and feeling a bit down. I wouldn't at all say I'm in an adrenal crash just feeling depressed which is ONE of the symptoms that the HC relieved.
We talked about the St. Johns Wort in the beginning but wanted to wait and see how I did with stablizing on the IF#2 and the HC.
I went ahead an ordered some today from you. I know this takes a little longer to work maybe a few weeks????
I also started the
coffee enemas 1st one last night with regular organic coffee till wilsons arrives. No jitters or anything. I really didn't notice a big difference but I will keep after them daily and incorporate into the daily protocal.
I'm doing hot/cold showers, of course colon cleansing, kidney/
Liver Cleanses accordiingly, cayenne tinc/powder, ashwaganda, all other tinctures including nerve tinc, barefooting, a little massage, walking,
juicing and the basic program.
I also started Liver compress with caster oil last night.
Anything else I should be doing? I guess I have to expect some bumps in the road with weaning the cortisol. But it is truly a miracle that I'm down 10mg already. I must be patient and stay postive.
Thank you again for all you do.
Hummingbird Sage