Re: Borax info for the geeks
Yes ma'am. I have to say that after three-ish weeks, there is something to it yes. The obvious affect on the skin and joints was there. But what surprised me is when I was pushing the higher levels of intake to see what the boundaries were, went it was too much, I knew it. But... that metallic taste in the mouth was exactly the same thing I experience when I started pushing into the metal detox use of iodine. Metallic taste, plus the salivas glands were just flowing as if they were trying to expel stuff.
Really made me think hmmmmmmmmm. This is definitely doing something, be careful and sensible about how you manage this, read read read, but the action was identical to the detoxing with iodine. Or, maybe it was as you say, borax making
Iodine work better.
Something else it is doing also. My reactions to foods are becoming similar to muscle testing for those who are familiar. I've always reacted quickly to so called 'foods' anyway. But as time goes on, have noticed that while I seem to tolerate things much better, I am finding I practically have a gag reaction to things that I know are bad choice. Years ago stopped breads except on rare occasions. But now, the thought of putting for instance a commercial bread in my mouth creates an physical reaction. My brain telling me? My subconscious telling me? Or something else telling me? Dunno.
But back to borax. Yes, there is something to this, and I like it a great deal.