Re: Borax info for the geeks
This is all very interesting stuff. I began to supplement with borax and noticed almost immediately some things.
Skin began more supple for starters. Within a few days, typical areas that tend to ache once in awhile (from years of ballet and dance) were different, better.
Then it happened. In experimenting with dosage, I ended up with an amount that was obviously too much. Both my wife and I. If I were to guess, we both experienced a day of heavy detox. Among other things, we both remarked at the heavy metallic taste in our mouth. We hit it with several flushing things and it passed, but not until after we definitely... flushed.
Now have adjusted to what I feel it a proper dosage, but can say after three weeks that borax has definitely created notable changes. Joints feel lubricated for one. Skin softer, supple, and like Gina sz... it appears to be enhancing iodine's benefits as well.
Like everything, we are feeling our way through this stuff.