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Alternative Medicine & Astrology: My Story
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Alternative Medicine & Astrology: My Story

A collection of notes, emails, and rants demonstrating partial aspects of my story and experiences, and it's direct (or indirect) relation to applied kabbalistic astrology as the ancients did it.

Last week (Jan. 20, 2005), based on my

8:29 p.m. birth time (sunrise time 5:50 a.m.) I correctly calculated my kabbalistic horoscope (my brother had done my first calculations and had made an error, because I was in Ukraine, and didn't have the calculator here with me as I do now)
One of my 7 angels speciality and area of knowledge is "liberating the insane from their unfortunate state". Another is over the laws of vibration and oscillation. Another is over medical and occult healing in general...And yet another of these 7 is over "technical inventions" (like my Fscan II for example, which is a Class 1 Licensed Medical Device in Switzerland and Germany). Pandit Parsai, Vedic Astrologer to the goverment of India for 40 years, and their prime minister for 20, listed second for "sources of income" for me writing and advice in the feild of medical treatment. I have learned a lot since my days as a managed care professional. This is part of my story.

I used to provide and manage care for the mentally ill, mentally retarded, sick, and aging in my families nursing care facility in Marshall, MO as an administrative assistant. I was a very STRONG and OUTSPOKEN advocate for these people, sometimes fighting against the very government agencies responsible for their rights, and assurance of proper care. I remember going to see profoundly mentally ill patients Rosemary, Ed, and Ron in Fulton State Mental Hospital wearing a suit and tie, meeting them, considering them for a special program for release and integration BACK into the community through the "Fulton 55 Program" in tandem with Missouri Department of Mental Health and Division of Aging... I literally was involved in "liberating" them from the mental hospital, and was praised years later for successfully integrating them back into the community, and using what knowledge, skills, and resources were available to me for supporting them in doing so, and the great amount of improvement and CHANGE in their lives...

Then in 2000, I became very "ill" myself, ,and little did I know that my journey through hell and back would lead me to the discoveries, and affirmation of the research and unorthodox and little known methods of "cures" or medical treatments and "complementary" medicine explained and referenced to in the post below, that was published and distributed from the number 3 most visited alternative health site in the WORLD to over 19,000 CureZone Newsletter subscribers. This is my story, and it's as real as it gets. My life is an affirmation of the validity and effectiveness of these technologies, a blend of the ancient, and the futuristic, that are all available to us in the HERE and NOW. It's up to YOU to take action and follow through... to my knowledge, this information in totality is written no where else in the world... It is my intent to share it with you... in the hopes that someone else out there "sick" or "diseased" can learn, grow, and heal, and journey back to health without toxic medications.
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Bipolar Disorder, Lesson on Zapping for Health
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Bipolar Disorder, Lesson on Zapping for Health by vtool 3 mon R/N 2

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Subject: Bipolar Disorder, Lesson on Zapping for Health
From: vtool | All vtool's Messages |
Date: 10/8/2004 6:46:00 AM ( 3 mon ago ) R/N (recommended for CureZone Newsletter!)

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Dr. Jeffery Sutherland has written on his website about the use of the Terminator. However, when I was contacting these medical research scientists and experts in electronic medicine, the Fscan II was recommended to me over all other devices as a starting device.

I know from hard won personal experience that any "general" frequency or "zapper" is NOT as effective, nor even capable against all pathogens or organisms!!!

I zapped with an RSG-1 using the Clark general frequency of 2820 or whatever it is (I don't have the numbers with me at present) for MORE than 3 weeks!!! I did this in tandem with the other protocals of anti parasite herbs, colon cleansing, and Liver Flushing (over 12 liver flushes).

Then I got the Fscan II, and through subsquent tests, and scans, discovered I STILL had many organisms present, some of which, the baccicilus lechinformis (check spelling, can't remember the exact spelling) or the "RIFE" germ/virus causing cancer, had to be treated for many days or weeks using SPECIFIC FREQUENCIES!!!

General zapping or a "shotgun" approach doesn't always cut it. Dr. Clark suggest's a miniFG not because she's promoting one tool or product over another... SHE IS PROMOTING FREQUENCY SPECIFIC ZAPPING!!! That's why she lists all the frequency tables and specific frequencies of various organisms in her books!!!

If you promote general zappers over FREQUENCY SPECIFIC GENERATORS on this board, you are PROMOTING THE DEATH or failure or "shotgun" approach of "frequency medicine" or electronic medicine to people. I have to disagree with you from both trust in Dr. Jeffery Sutherland's research (and Dr. Richard Loyd's), and MY OWN HARD WON PERSONAL FIRST HAND WITNESS AND EXPERIENCE WITH THIS!!!

I had to go to BOTH of these men to find THE ANSWER to my illness and my "disease", and IF I had not, IF I had stuck with just the RSG-1 and "general" zapping or the "shotgun" approach, I'd be riddled with the borna virus amok right now, the TB VIRUS, and the baccilus lechinformis or RIFE GERM/ CANCER VIRUS!!! (not to mention various other pathogens present as shown on the Fscan II scans). THIS was all found and discovered via the Fscans... then the borna virus Dr. Sutherland's PHOTO ANALYSIS, and the other critically important deadly organism TB VIRUS through Dr. Richard Loyd's RADIONICS SALIVA TEST!!!

Treatment for these includes, as recommended by these medical research scientists TRANSFER FACTOR to BOOST THE IMMUNE SYSTEM (Now being promoted for use in Russian Hospitals!!!) in tandem with FREQUENCY GENERATOR or FREQUENCY SPECIFIC TREATMENT... which for the TB VIRUS is 1552 and 2565... and the BORNA VIRUS has to be treated ONGOING at ONCE A WEEK minimum, and Dr. Sutherland is JUST NOW addding NEW frequencies to the string or treatment set of frequencies for the BORNA VIRUS!!!

So for those of you out there that are interested in SERIOUS CURING of your DISEASES and MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE USE Of your MONEY, TIME, and this short life we live... DON't PLAY with "GENERAL ZAPPING" in the face of serious illness...

Get real, get serious, and get an FG... and ALSO be SURE you have a WAY to know, through SYNCHROMETER TESTING, or FSCAN, or blood tests (which fail to recognize my borna and TB VIRUSES) and most importantly Dr. Jeffery Sutherland's PHOTO analysis where in dowsing for resonant frequencies using the aura cameron meter tests or dowses the aura captured in the photographs (etc. see his site for details...), and FINALLY and importantly a RADIONICS SALIVA TEST from Dr. Richard Loyd. The Fscan II did not pick up my borna virus, and neither the TB virus... it picks up many things... but NOT everything. I suggest to anyone a combination and exhaustion of ALL THE ABOVE methods of testing to get to the ROOT CORE of your illness. Transfer Factor, and Dr. Loyd's specific radionically charged herbal drops, and FG's or FREQUENCY SPECIFIC RIFING or "ZAPPING" using SPECIFIC FREQUENCIES targeting the pathogens present in the body is THE WAY!!!

Now... trust me... I wouldn't BE HERE right now if this wasn't the truth... and I haven't seen ANYWHERE in print the information "collectively" that I just shared with you... because IT's MY STORY... and it's real, and it's the truth.

I hope it saves a life out there... It did mine. And YES, I will have a website of my own soon about these things. I can never thank Curezone enough for being the base of my initial and ongoing research into all these things... or the other's and there sites listed here... and to the Creator and Yeshua.

Blessings to all, and no disrespect to Annukia,,, but this is serious business, and general zapping has it's merits, but when it comes time to get real, and get serious, and GET CURED, then please... PLEASE pay attention to this post. I've went through HELL and back to learn this... and NO ONE else is telling it like this... because I had to learn the HARD WAY... it was life or death... hospital again and again and again and again, or a permanent medicated stupor.... 7 times in the hospital and over 4 months of staying, seeing doctor after doctor, test after test,,, I am telling you... and I zapped, and zapped, and cleansed, and flushed... THIS IS "THE WAY" for some of you out there... Please heed this path, and consider it...

Costs? $52.00 for Doc Sutherland's photo analysis (Thank you Dr. Glen Canale for refering me to him!!!) Radionics Saliva Test and FREE 30 minute consult that comes with it by telephone personally with Dr. Richard Loyd??? - $100, and subsequent radionics testing to see how you are progressing with your frequency specific zapping or electronic medicine??? $75, recommended once a month until pathogens are GONE eliminated, and biochemistry is back in balance. To go to his clinic and use the Fscan II on your own??? $50 an hour, last I checked.

Can't afford that? Come see me, I won't charge you a dime, and I am learning from the best. I have the time, for now,,, but that time will become limited in the near future, but for now, that offer is open.

This is a serious post, and I have nothing to sell, except Transfer Factor, and I wouldn't be involved with that if Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Loyd BOTH hadn't and STILL recommend this.

Well, that's it folks... that's all for now, and that completes my healing journey to present. I still remember getting the Curezone newsletters, when I had been to the hospital so, so many times, and had been taking medications that were riddling me with side effects, like impotence, rapid 20 pound weight gain IN ONE MONTH!!! Burning ulcers (I never had that before), and a deep deep Depression and outbreak into crying that I NEVER had experienced in ALL MY LIFE (thank you Depakote - read the side effects ).

Bioreliance Labs in Worschester had refused to offer me, or my local medical clinic the much needed P.C.R. Borna Virus blood test for the presence of this virus that Dr. Sutherland found via his photo analysis. The first time I treated this using his frequency sets (which he is still developing - see his site) I felt a NOTICEABLE and PROFOUND change in my thinking, clarity of mind, and overall feeling of groundedness. Unfortunately, months later, I was going into a manic state, and nearing hospitalization from lack of sleep, and these manic symptoms. Fortunately I had sent off the radionics saliva test before this, feeling INTUITIVELY (Dr. Shulze always taught follow your heart, LISTEN TO YOURSELF, to your intuition) that I NEEDED this test... and thank GOD I got the results back at that time... because it indicated a 92 presence of TB viral!!! I immediately treated this at 1552 and 2565 using the Fscan II. Symptoms went away IMMEDIATELY!!!

I failed to treat this however DAILY as I should. I had one fall back, and then realized, after consulting with Dr. Richard Loyd that I should be treating this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! It wasn't like the borna virus, which as a maintenance treatment could be "zapped" or treated with frequency therapy once a week to keep this in check. The TB virus is responsible for putting people into mental hospitals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other psychiatric and psychotic disorders. It is a crime that the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association (is there such a thing? :) DO NOT require and DEMAND testing of all mental hospital admissions for the BORNA VIRUS (P.C.R. blood test) and the TB VIRAL (not sure if they can on this one... thus the GREAT NEED of Radionics Saliva Testing - !!!!!

It's also a crime, for those out there struggling with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other psychiatric or psychotic disorders, or manic depressions, or neurological ailments and disorder to be admitted to medical care and supervision or hospitalized in mental hospitals WITHOUT ALSO HAVING the Kryptopyrroules Urine TEST!!! Why??? Medicare PAYS FOR IT!!! It's a valid test,,, but I had to TEACH my local medical doctor or physician about this!!! Even then the lab they deal with DID NOT OFFER THIS TEST, yet the U.S. Government PAYS for it!!!

It's like the AMAS TEST...!!! Same situation!!! Great Britian bought these tests for back testing to mammograms, and the U.S. Government through Medicare PAYS FOR THIS TEST!!! But how many people over 30, who have smoked, or have had CANCER in their family history GET THIS TEST!!!

It's a CRIME!!! It's CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE!!! It's GREED, and stupidity on the part of our "largely" brainwashed medical doctor's who are the whores of the pharmaceutical medical mafia!!!

Please... if you or a loved one has a mental illness, or are plagued by these psychiatric, or neurological disorders, please research what I am telling you here. Also it's good to check out True Hope in Canada, and the Pfieffer Center,,, but I am telling you, THEY were taking notes from ME when I spoke to THEM by phone. Both are aware of the parasite issue and effects on mental disorders or mental or psychiatric health... BUT they foolishly do NOT promote toxic free, cheap, and EFFECTIVE electronic medicine and the cutting edge diagnostic methods that I have shared with you in this post.

I had an astrology reading with the world's EXPERT in Asteroids Astrology Demetra George. She told me, long before I had any true hope of any "real" healing or "treatment" (that wouldn't KILL my sex drive, leave me with a burning stomach, overweight, and feeling the depths of sadness - another side effect from the medical drugs),,, that I came here for a purpose... it's in my chart...

And that was to FIND and SHARE WITH OTHER's what worked for me... This is NEW stuff in this article... and my angel of "good luck" and "good fortune" is connected with and expert in MILK technology and all things connected to technology and products with milk. Transfer Factor is derived from bovine colostrum... and is 400-1000 times or more stronger than bovine colostrum... THE MAN who refered me to the Radionics Saliva Test is making a "fortune" promoting and networking the Transfer Factor, and without HIM (he sold us the Fscan II) I would not have found the LAST and MISSING piece to my "diagnostic" puzzle. I would have claimed these methods a failure, including the Fscan II, perhaps Doc Sutherland, and the whole affair. But I prayed,,, and I believed, and I LISTENED (Thank You Dr. Richard Shulze!) to my intuition, and I got that last test, one I never even heard of, that radionics saliva test.

Strange but true story!!! And I was using subliminals, as I lay drooling from the Seroquell I was on, and the other medicines, the very same ones I used to administer and have my staff at Vanderpool Residential Care administer to mental patients, and the elderly in our nursing care home for many years... I used to care for the most severely mentally ill patients, in fact, pioneered a program to get them BACK out of the STATE HOSPITAL and BACK INTO the community!!! I used to fight and advocate for them. I took a stand against our local public officials and even attempted medical blackmail to get these people INTO our community, and the EQUAL services that they deserved. And years later,,, in the heat of battle, in the passion of my work, in Sept. of 2000, I became very, very ill. I was hospitalized, and would be hospitalized 7 more times before FINALLY getting it right. I USED to have people committed. I USED TO WATCH, OBSERVE, and document the effects of medications on people, both the severaly mentally ill, and the mentally retarded, and the elderly!!! I was on the phone at midnight, morning light, at the nursing home, or in my car on the highway with the medical doctors, the psychiatrists, or family of those who were not doing so good at the moment perhaps. I went to university and college with this "business" in mind, because my family has been in this "business" for over 25 years!!!

So I know the ropes people, and I know my path. I've been through hell and back, and I've made it back to SHARE something with you. I hope you will take it, apply it, and that in reaching out a hand to someone out there,,, hopefully a LOT of someones out there, that I can finish what I came here to do, or continue in a small way the work I used to do... and that was caring for those that are sick... and then I became sick, and realized that "we" didn't know how to effectively provide the "medical" care that we should have been provided,,, I never knew... you see, I was never FORCED with LIFE or DEATH, with SANITY or INSANITY to search, to seek, to find. I used iridology... I used subliminals, and I sought to astrology, and to God in prayer... and in the depths of my mind and heart. I didn't want to be here anymore, you see? I wanted a way out, I wanted to die. But I couldn't do it!!! I believed and knew in the Akashic records (David H. Lewis "The Universal Oneness") and I knew both from Jesus (every word every thought every deed done in secret shall be known) and from Magic (event the world's most prominent author and practioner of Enochian magic agreed with this) that the Akashic Records or "God's Master Computer" would have it all, even my most deepest thoughts on record, and I'd stand in judgement for that, before both God, and myself. So I couldn't escape... plagued with an illness that was worse than cancer!!! (in some ways). SO I prayed, and I sought, and I kept getting newsletter's from the Curezone, and there was hope, there WAS a way... and I had to KEEP ON SEARCHING, amongst the hype, what was real, what was not, from this "expert" or that, and so on. I didn't know the way, I just knew I couldn't give up, because I wanted too... and in the deepest moments of despair, I'd think back about other's who would follow my path... they didn't ask for it,,, they too were suffering... it was a battle, and I couldn't call it quits... God knows I wanted too... but I knew I couldn't. I had to have faith, and pleaded with God for the answers.

Here is what Demetra George said in an Astrology reading in September before the spring of my discoveries and use of Fscan and so on... before I knew I had the " borna virus " and later, the discovery of the TB virus -

the reading back in September or so of this 2003 year from the world's expert on Asteroid's astrology, and she explains a touching story in part of the reading...

*The planet Chiron in a wide conjunction with your sun and moon in Aries, and Chiron mythologically was the centaur, the half horse half man, and was teacher to many of the Greek youths and foster parent, and was known as the healer and was the tutor of the God Aesclavius (spelling?) who became known as ancient healing God in the ancient world. Chiron was accidentally wounded in a battle and he voluntarily went on into the underworld to relieve someone else's place there became known as the archetype of the Wounded Healer.

And Chiron represents to you a theme, and for you an important theme as having recieved an initial or core wound in your life, and how is it that wound then becomes your central life challenge, that eventually it leads you to your destiny

and the credentials of Chiron as a teacher and healer come from a school of real life experience, rather than from the school of academic degrees and studies...

and I sometimes say to my clients - that if you had to like take a journey through the underworld, would you prefer your guide to be someone who has transversed the territory themselves, or someone who read about it in a book and got a degree?

and so it is this quality that of, for people who have Chiron that often they experience some kind of essential wounding, so that they can tranvserse the territory, and become a guide and facilitate healing for other's, and Chiron is the quisessential shamanic healer from that point of view.

In looking at career analysis, it is involved with being in business for yourself, it is in the broad range of health service profession...doesn't mean you have to become a doctor or healer yourself, although I wouldn't exclude that... but also being involved with a business that would be a part of the sales or distribution of products that would have to do with health or healing.... part of your process in your life of having been in this disorder right now (bipolar) is to be doing all the researching and expiramenting in alternative and natural methods in healing, and become a spokesperson for, discover what works for yourself and help share with other's what works for your problems...

End of that asteroids astrology reading excerpt... What's odd is that I was strongly and assertively advocating against the state on the rights and for the care of the mentally ill, and the mentally retarded residents in our nursing care facility. I managed the facility and was responsible for the management of their care. It was at that point, five years into this management that I had my "wound" or first "manic" experience and diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. It has been since that "wounding" in battle -(I was under a lot of stress to, fighting against a local corrupt state judge - he lost an election due in part to my efforts and exposure of his "Secrets" to our community, and advocating strongly for our clients against state governement and a powerful wealthy business interest - this does not include my "occult" battle that was taking place as a practicioner of ritual magic at that time)- that I have researched, and "expiramented" with various traditional and "alternative" methods of healing. *** copy and pasted in from Astrology section of CureZone Forums .

So this is real experience I am sharing with you, from a man who used to professionally manage care, and had direct contact with mental patients, and pioneered the program in my local community to bring mental patients, the severely mentally ill back out of the hospital from their overmedicated stupors, into the community again, in an assisted living, supervised care setting. Then I was "wounded" by these viruses, had my own journey into the underworld of hospitalizations, toxic drugs, and mind bending, spirit wrenching illness with bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder, psychoses, and whatever other label you want to put on someone infected with the borna virus and tb viral or virus at 92 on the radionics saliva testing scale of 0-100!!!

The medical system in America is criminal. Both criminally negligent, and ignorantly criminal. I know, I witnessed it. The P.C.R. Borna Virus test should be given widescale for those afflicted with psychiatric, manic depressive, bipolar, schizoaffective or schizophrenia disorders, as well as other depressive and neurological disorders. So should the radionics saliva test for the TB virus, which is now latent in perhaps as much as 1/3 of the world's GLOBAL population !!! Then what of the Kryptopyrroles test? How about CANCER? How about the AMAS test??? Medicare pays for these!!! If the U.S. Government pays for these tests, then I ASSUME these are valid, but as my local medical doctor commented on refusing me this test (when I was sourcing the root cause of my illness) "Maybe the British are Dumb". There's a touch of the attitude of the "average" physician in America... one of EGO, PRIDE, and a closed mind. (Britian used the AMAS testing).

Hope this helps a loved one out there.

A quick note, because of so little time. For those who cannot access Dr. Clark's synchrometer testing, and know little to nothing about the Fscan, and have little experience... and who want to quickly, and SERIOUSLY, and THOROUGHLY get to the bottom line of effective and superior "energy" or "electronic" medicine... check out my note. Also keep in mind that Dr. Sutherland's ABPA, and Bruce Stenulson's, as well as other devices Dr. Richard Loyd recommend's, may be more effective or appropriate for certain situations.... That's my amateur, by "informed", and opinion from some hard won "personal" experience, which is ongoing. Hope this helps those serious about fighting disease and illness... when the chips are this high, and your life is at stake... PROPER KNOWLEDGE and it's APPLICATION is EVERYTHING. Knowledge without APPLICATION is useless.
Hello ****,
I am ready to do ****'s Kabbalistic Angel's calculations. Everyone that I have done them for so far, has been amazed at the accuracy, and uncanniness of their descriptions.
Please email me her exact time in the day she was born, the day, month, and year she was born, and the city of her birth. I will then email you her horoscopes, and calculations, and her 7 Kabbalistic Angels, which to this time, no other person in the world is doing as a service on the internet that I can find. I will do this for her for free, though I am preparing a website in which I will charge a minimum of $20 per calculation.
Also, if she wants to expirament with the Fscan or the doctor's there, my medical research scientist are willing to open to consult by email for that. In other words, we would be up for the challenge of dealing with someone that is dying, or cannot be helped by traditional mainstream medicine, if she is interested, and my time allows.
More about my doctor's can be read here & I would require any patients first submit for a photoanalysis to Dr. Jeffery Sutherland, which I can and will provide photography for FREE, but Sutherland's consultation cost for a month via email, and diagnostics via this method, as described on his site will be $52.95. I will also require anyone I work with, scanning and offering Fscan treatment for free (first few people) that they submit, by DHL or Federal Express, a "radionics saliva test" to Dr. Richard Loyd. They will then have a free 30 minute consultation by telephone with him (they may have to call him in Oregon, U.S.A.), and I will then offer the full range of scans via my Fscan, which is a CLASS ONE LICENSED MEDICAL DEVICE in Switzerland, and Germany. I will offer to do this for FREE for the first two people, if and or when ***** want's to accept the challenge or "expirament". I know it works, but I am willing to PROVE it does. If someone has a cancer, or other disease that cannot be "cured" or successfully treated, I am open to "work" with them in a "research" capacity, and ONLY in tandem with the two aforementioned Medical Research Scientists, and ONLY after they submit the two "unorthodox" methods of testing, which I, and other's have found to be invaluable, and extremely accurate. I will then offer all subsequent scanning, and one month of daily or weekly treatments of frequency therapy for FREE. That's my offer and or "challenge".
Also, note that I myself, and these two medical research scientists take, and STRONGLY recommend, and Russian hospitals and clinics NOW PRESCRIBE "TRANSFER FACTOR". You can read more about it here, of which it has numerous scientific studies, and patents.
Take care, and see you later.
And then another "clip" of a "personal" note:
Hello ***,

Thank you. Remember to GET THEIR RADIONICS SALIVA tests too... if you are going to do a job, do it right, and do it thoroughly, especially in working with people's lives and "medicine", which is what you are doing. Keep in mind, as you know, the Fscan and Dr. Sutherland's Photo Analysis did NOT find my problematic and STILL present TB virus (which I felt recently in effect until continued treatment...), and vice-a-versa, the Radionics Saliva Test did NOT find or detect the Borna Virus, which I FELT the IMMEDIATE and PROFOUND relief and CHANGE after my very first TREATMENT of the BORNA VIRUS.

Also, NEITHER LOYD, or SUTHERLAND found ***'s shistosoma, but the FSCAN DID, which I did based on my own RESEARCH, and then SCANNING, which Dr. Sutherland THEN proclaimed I had HIT found it, or hit the nail on the head....

So please, be thorough, and do the job right,,, I would INSIST that they do all three methods of energetic "diagnostics" to get it right.***end of clip***

I sincerely hope this helps us all learn, and grow.

Peace & Love,


"I know but one freedom, and that is the freedom of the mind." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

As I posted, after a very real and extreme magickal battle with entities sent by Merlinus Sortiarius, and some years of experience in overcoming my walk through the dark side of naivety, I wrote this in the reader's section comments in regards to Jerry Shueler's books on Enochian magick. Little did I know, I had an angel with me to battle him, or at the very minimum, giving me the skills to not fall into a complete initiation and the joining of Merlinus Sortiarius group, which meets in the physical twice yearly on the new moon, for a 30 day training period in witchcraft, and the magical arts of old. Merlinus is the AUTHOR and CREATOR of the Enochian Tarot, as sold through Lewellyn books. I lived a tale few know, and fewer would understand, and I survived to tell part of that tale. Here is a brief synoposis as posted on Amazon, to illustrate my point:

Enochian Warning & Danger, 0 The Fool, November 19, 2003
Reviewer: A reader
I have had personal experience and contact with Merlinus Sortiarius, who is thanked by Dr. Schueler for his "enochian material", and Dr. Schueler now refers all students to Merlinus. The truth is these books contain "blinds" and "omissions" to keep the "truth" from the profane, the truth about enochian magic(k). I know because Merlinus sent me a package containing the true enochian alphabet and material to correct the elemental tablets and "blinds" and omissions in this text. He also spoke to me over the telephone in enochian, and commanded a spirit to me, saying "Say Hello To Your New Friend"... this spirit later made me very sick, as I struggled to perform my daily Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, before leaving that day to see an excellent tarot reader and witch named "Darla" who is a great seer. She told me I had an entity with me, before I told her the story about Merlinus. She told me that Merlinus was part of an ancient and powerful group, using ancient techniques and methods to "pull me in". He sent the spirit to "protect me" even from her, as "it" knew she would expose the group behind Merlinus, and what was occuring. Two years later, after gaining the courage to call Merlinus back, and total chaos, and magickal battles, I confirmed that yes, all that Darla had told me was true... they are an ancient and powerful order, and a group. I was then told that I would have to come to them to perform my first "angelic" evocation. Darla told warned me that in her visions, if I went, I would be sacrificed along with others during ritual. Truth? I do not know. I can only tell you it's a fools game to pursue this particular path, in my opinion, and I feel lucky to be free of any oaths, further deceptions, etc. Powerful magic? Indeed...the most powerful on the planet. I suspect that the Kaballistic or Hebrew letters & energy is much different from Enochian letters and "entities".

Beware & Be Wise. Don't waste your time on puzzles that you cannot get the whole peices for... or work in self delusion on a system that is less than complete without a "master". There are "secrets" in this world you may not learn until it's too late. The F.B.I. does NOT keep statistics of missing children... master witch Dr. Evelyn Paglini of Mystical Blend and former F.B.I. Chief Ted Gunderson can elaborate as to why.

There is a reason for this... beware, rare among you will be one so serious and experienced to learn this... I did so at a great cost, and in initial nievety. I learned the missing peices from The Forbidden Knowledge site, and from experience, much research, and dedication, and protection from the Creator himself, via Yeshua. My study of Franz Bardon saved me from being totally ensnared.

Good luck, and beware.

Enochian Warning & Danger, 0 The Fool, November 19, 2003
Reviewer: A reader

I have had personal experience and contact with Merlinus Sortiarius, who is thanked by Dr. Schueler for his "enochian material", and Dr. Schueler now refers all students to Merlinus. The truth is these books contain "blinds" and "omissions" to keep the "truth" from the profane, the truth about enochian magic(k). I know because Merlinus sent me a package containing the true enochian alphabet and material to correct the elemental tablets and "blinds" and omissions in this text. He also spoke to me over the telephone in enochian, and commanded a spirit to me, saying "Say Hello To Your New Friend"... this spirit later made me very sick, as I struggled to perform my daily Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, before leaving that day to see an excellent tarot reader and witch named "Darla" who is a great seer. She told me I had an entity with me, before I told her the story about Merlinus. She told me that Merlinus was part of an ancient and powerful group, using ancient techniques and methods to "pull me in". He sent the spirit to "protect me" even from her, as "it" knew she would expose the group behind Merlinus, and what was occuring. Two years later, after gaining the courage to call Merlinus back, and total chaos, and magickal battles, I confirmed that yes, all that Darla had told me was true... they are an ancient and powerful order, and a group. I was then told that I would have to come to them to perform my first "angelic" evocation. Darla told warned me that in her visions, if I went, I would be sacrificed along with others during ritual. Truth? I do not know. I can only tell you it's a fools game to pursue this particular path, in my opinion, and I feel lucky to be free of any oaths, further deceptions, etc. Powerful magic? Indeed...the most powerful on the planet. I suspect that the Kaballistic or Hebrew letters & energy is much different from Enochian letters and "entities".

Beware & Be Wise. Don't waste your time on puzzles that you cannot get the whole peices for... or work in self delusion on a system that is less than complete without a "master". There are "secrets" in this world you may not learn until it's too late. The F.B.I. does NOT keep statistics of missing children... master witch Dr. Evelyn Paglini of Mystical Blend and former F.B.I. Chief Ted Gunderson can elaborate as to why.

There is a reason for this... beware, rare among you will be one so serious and experienced to learn this... I did so at a great cost, and in initial nievety. I learned the missing peices from The Forbidden Knowledge site, and from experience, much research, and dedication, and protection from the Creator himself, via Yeshua. My study of Franz Bardon saved me from being totally ensnared.

Good luck, and beware.

Ravenhill (former most powerful Missouri State Judge) Merlinus (a most powerful advanced lifetime practioner of Enochian magic - most powerful magic on the planet) are examples of my other "gift" and talent - humiliating the arrogant and haughty, of helping the wronged to his rights - - -
recognize all those people who practice black magic, sorcery and witchraft.

You know the story of Ravenhill, how I published about his "Key" party orgies and exchange of "keys" for wife swapping, and how I played a MAJOR part in destroying his reputation, and provided impetus and inspiration for other's to follow in publishing ads and flyers around the town to reveal publicly in outcry his abuse of the rights of our citizenry.

It is also a fact that I have permanently published a warning and revelation to people on in the reader's comment section about Merlinus Sortiarius (published author of the Enochian Tarot, and Leader of the Ordo Enochiana Sodalis Lux) - and how Darla helped me to know and expose "THEM" as a black and evil group, posing as light (He wanted me to come to them for 30 days of training on new moons twice yearly, and for my first "angelic" evocation, he lied on more than one point).

You are also aware of my site, partly published, linking the TIME magazing CNN linked to Article on George W. Bush's SKULL and BONES membership, and his verbal admittance to this current membership on "Meet The Press", and John Kerry's admittance to Skull and Bones Membership on "Meet The Press". What you DO NOT KNOW, is that I NOW have a BBC Radiobroadcast LIVE recorded and documentation of audio recordings from a Skull and Bones initiation ceremony that PROVES BEYOND any shadow of a doubt that Skull and Bones is a SATANIC Society.

This is, of course, backed up and affirmed by former British M16 analyst and advisor to the Queen of England - now American Citizen and Resident Dr. John Coleman. They worship Lucifer, who we know as SATAN. This doesn't even include George Bush's yearly attendance of the Bohemian Grove Club where male prostitutes frolic, and sacrifices are made to Molech (video proof of this )

George W. Bush and John Kerry are self admitted and self confessed (Meet The Press Interviews links given, and Time Magazine , 60 Minutes ) - compare those

Lansat Satellite photos of the White House to America truly is The Great Satan murdering people DAILY, every DAY, in Iraq and Afgahnistan! One cannot argue this fact now. One cannot also deny that FACT
that 911 (according to former NASA consultant, and CBS Space News correspondent, Award Winning Scientist Richard C. Hoagland -who I exposed as a liar via request to David John Oates, Reverse Speech Scientist, who's reversals of his speech indicated his knowledge of NASA released photos of CYDNONIA region on Mars were FAKED and ALTERED, later discovered and affirmed by another researcher, as reported in the news subsequently).

The 911 attacks were a great ritual magic (hyperdimensional physics) alignment event, or act of ceremonial black magick against America, and the world. It was a super masonic ritual (Skull and Bones is higher level Masonry). America and the world at large is "hoodwinked", a Masonic Term for "fooled" or "decieved". Brilliant!

Google “Operations Northwoods”

Masonic Rituals - Like clockwork - Major historical events were timed to astronomical events, 33 and 19.5 degrees are repeated throughout history.

Now take a peak at one of my 7 angels! It is my GIFT to do these things!!! And thus, I have exposed Ordo Enochiana Sodalis Lux and Merlinus Sortiarius (Published through Shueler's site, and Lewellyn Books) as Black Magick Evil, and already had a BIG HAND in bringing DOWN Ravenhill pre-election time (with Dr. Uhrig's help, and other's in community) via public exposure through my "guerilla" and "grassroots" marketing/advertising campaign... (and it was BRILLIANT). So ex-Honorable Judge Robert H. Ravenhill loses the election by 1,000 votes, and his retirement package!!! Anyway,,,, The PROOF is all here... in my life... and in the Angels with me ;) We already well know how I used contacts in community, State Representative, and Senator to advocate for the rights and equal services/treatment of the mentally retarded, and mentally ill in our nursing home... Fascinatingly accurate!!!

Fig. 45: Sealiah - enables the magician to recognize all those people who practice black magic, sorcery and witchraft. He makes him acquainted with methods which will enable him to make any aggressor ineffectual, and cover his adversaries with the so-called magic hood which makes any kind of magical experiment impossible. The magic manufacture of such a hood which no black magician is ever able to penetrate is revealed to the magician by this forty-fifth genius of the Mercury sphere. Similar to the other genii of this sphere, also Sealiah can make the magician acquainted with magic words which at the moment of their articulation cause great earth-quakes that can destroy completely whole cities. Such magic words will, however, never be revealed to any human being with low ethical standards, therefore no one need to be afraid of any misuse. That the magician thus also becomes the master of land and water need not be emphasized here. He is capable of forcing thieves to return the goods they have stolen, of humiliating the arrogant and haughty, of helping the wronged to his rights. Assisted by this genius, the magician will be able to carry out all the above mentioned things, for he will be made master over our earth. Sealiah (5/45)(11-15° Sco) QBL (vs. black magic)


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