Re: Thx for the info...
Yeah I believe you're probably right about the rich having the biggest issues with the change that is about to happen. And that the middle class and poor will be the ones leading the charge!
And OH YEAH, I'll be one of the people knocking down the Straw Man and the house of cards. I've been that type for years. Ever since we cured my wife's cancer twice using ozone when the medical establishment said she had 6-12 months twice. That is what lead me on the journey to discover what else is a lie in this world. My wife's cancer ordeal started over 6 years ago and I've been shouting from the roof top ever since.
And I think their plan to collapse the economy has only opened more people's eyes. My message is falling on more open ears lately. Like I said before, their plan goes against everything the universe stands for, so it HAS to fall. Even if we don't do anything, in my opinion.
But I totally agree with you, that this is the greatest moment to live on Earth. I had a NDE type experience one time. I didn't actually die, but experienced the things that NDEer's do. And that was part of what I saw there. That this is the greatest moment to be alive on the planet. People are literally lined up waiting to get back here and experience it.
My goal with this Straw Man stuff is to get out of debt, $205,000 on the house and $5,000 on the car and create a safe sanctuary for as many as I can, and then lead the peaceful charge to bring in the new world. I'm going to try and go all the way and get my money back from the government, and if the Canook's are right, that should be around 20 million. lol We'll see. :-) I'll probably get a stick in the eye! ;-) All they can do is spank me like a little brat and through me back into the kiddie pool again.
But the way I figure it, we got till September or so to get our act together though. So I'm going to be doing this Straw Man routine by then at the latest, but hopefully sooner.
I got a feeling that ez4u site many be a scam. Making it more expensive and complicated than it is. I may buy one or two of those modules and see what it involves, but try the rest on my own. Mark McMurtrie seems to have done it totally on his own, so why not me?
By the way, he was saying you get an international driver's license, so you aren't under the US system, but to me that's still under a system. I don't even think you'll need a driver's license when the stuff hits the fan anyway. We'll see. But for me that's a minor issue, I'm looking for bigger fish to fry.
I'm going back through everything I've seen and read on this and make notes. It's just too much for me to keep in this little brain. That way I can organize it and look at it in a fashion I can easily understand. Then if anyone asks about it I can just give them a copy too.
"T's a he" He He :-) Yes I know now. Sorry T! I'll call you Mr. T now!