you're welcome..I am going to try seeds from Watermelon and winter squash too
you can also soak nuts for more potency and dissolving harmful ingredients..they do not sprout though
I like that simple sprouter as it drain automatically.
I do have sproutman bags but only used once and did not work..I want to try them with wheat grass once I find my wheat grass juicer (I am still unpacking from a move and not sure where it is currently)
A simply great book is dining in the raw by Rita Romano
she has a section on how to sprout a variety of things and recipes for using those sprouted nuts, grains and seeds in addition to many other things
by going to the link and looking inside the book in the table of contents you will see some of her chapters.
The food is really good and very diverse and she used to own 2 health food restaurants and works as a cook in Anne Wigmore's famous hippocrates center.