Re: Why does Astrology work??
That's a lot to digest. I thought it might be something out there like that reality is an illusion. I hear a lot of people saying that these days. Well I should admit that I do look for it, you know, look at those sorts of sites and read those sorts of books. Or at least I have been doing so recently.
So...yeah, I dunno....metaphysics. It's tough for me to accept any of it for sure and so I can never build any sort of foundation for a deeper conclusion but...that said, I mean there's a lot of evidence thats stockpiled for me where I can just think "there's something crazy going on" and let that be enough to be sure of for now.
I was researching the eclipses and their astrological meaning recently and one website pointed out that the moon is the right distance from Earth so that it appears almost the exact same size as the sun. I'd never thought of that before. That's a great craziness.
What you were saying about the discovery of the planets and their naming. That's crazy too if it's true. It makes me want to read something more in depth about the parralel histories of astrology & astronomy. I've never heard about that hypnosis experiment you mentioned before and that's pretty crazy too. It'd be interesting to talk to the people who experienced it themselves, I think I'd have to do that to really believe in it. I will be sure to read The Holographic Universe sometime before long.
As far as whether reality is something we've come into and have no telepathic control over or if like you suggest it's a mass self created illusion I don't think I could come close to a confident belief either way. I've had the illusion feeling sometimes and it's really a great feeling but, you know I mean frankly, it's never come to me while sober :P. That's a whole nother kettle o fish anyhow.
I saw the movie What Dreams May Come for the first time not too long ago. Have you seen it? That is a very corny movie but you know it's a beautiful thing to imagine, the way they did Heaven, and the way the nature of that afterlife reflected dreaming, lucid dreaming, being in a nightmare... I've never had much luck lucid dreaming myself. I always either wake myself up by accident from happiness or wake myself up on purpose out of terror. I was trying the when-your-watch-beeps-on-the-hour-ask-yourself-if-your-dreaming-or-awake-technique. That made me feel very psychopathic for the two weeks or so I kept it up but it did work in the end, but like I said I just woke up out of excitement. Then I quit trying, like I always quit everything 8D. The whole dream thing fascinates me a lot, being a Worldbridger trying to come out of the shadow of the fear of death, you know, and I'd like to see if I can go further with lucid dreaming some day because it's got to be related to the basic nature of consciousness somehow, whether you're into tha new age or not.
Today's conscious burrito schpiel is interesting. It's blue night and he says
"Become lucid. This is a dream. As you wake up in the dream of this reality you begin to realize that you have much more control over your world, destiny and the events that transpire around you, than you thought. Today, take command of your intuition, or rather consciously manage it. If this is a dream, this "reality" then wake up into it and create your abundance however you wish..."
The blue night support energies are interesting to me cause they are swapped around from my own. My challenge is today's support. My support is today's challenge. My guide *cough* is today's occult.
So, hmmm, yeah, there's just so much I want to check out and explore for myself but I just got this inertia and I dunno what it's all about. I keep making these little efforts to bust loose but they just fall apart in a few weeks, sometimes across a morning. And now, when it's cold out, autumn and winter is such a tough time of year to jump out of bed early like a person with purpose. ... It's something like just a backwards thing where the attempts are the breaks from long stretches of self hatred and it should be the other way round. I read Ollie's post earlier and I felt a lot of that I must say. but uh. i have an IDE installed now so I can program if I want to ... maybe I'll see what I can do about getting further into some of this.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain your outlook and share those crazinesses. Crazinesses are always welcome and if the 2012 stuff is true then we won't have to wait long before the number of crazinesses on a personal level start to overtake the number of ways skeptics are able to account for them.
We'll find out.