Re: this is weird
Hveragerthi- I think you just hit that one out of the park! Thank you AGAIN! My iron levels never even came across my radar (which is stupid, because I was diagnosed borderline anemic years ago). I have been really tired and shedding hair like crazy in the last month. I looked at the ingredients for my old multis-I ran out of this particular brand 1 month ago (same time as hair/fatigue set in) but I never put 2 and 2 together. They had 50% rda iron. My new ones have none.
I guess my flow just put me over the edge. Plus, when I get super pmsy, I like my wine, which from what I understand interferes with iron absorbtion. Oh well, back to chamomile....
I havent seen anything about the tongue swelling and iron. The only causes I have found are allergies and thyroid. I have always just chalked it up to autoimmune problems. It has gotten a lot better since I had the IUD pulled out, but every now and then it rears its ugly head. Seems to be a reaction to stress more than anything. Do you have a take on that?
You are so helpful. I really do appreciate the input.