Iodoral and dry, dull hair with hair loss?
How would I know if I were getting too much Iodine?
I started Iodoral in November, building up slowly from 1 to 4 pills a day. Before I reached 3 pills a day I did not see results. Once I hit 3 pills a day my thinking was much clearer. I could analyze things much better, could more easily make plans and actually carry them out-- which had been nearly impossible before. I usually take two with breakfast and 1 with the evening meal. My swallowing problems have gone away since I have been taking the Iodoral. But suddenly my hair is a total disaster-- very dry, dull, lifeless with no bounce, and some spots where some may have come out. And neither oil or moisturizers help. I have been under UNPRECEDENTED stress lately, however stress never impacted my hair before. Could the
Iodine be causing the hair problems? This morning I decided to cut back to one pill a.m. and one p.m. But just a few hours into the morning on 1 morning pill, I am not feeling so good and am very irritable and quite sensitized to sound. I have noticed a little sensitivity to sound the last few days but not nearly this much. Sensitivity to sound has always been a thyroid symptom for me. Does this mean I need the higher dose? or need to cut it? or am addicted to it or what? Any ideas? Note that I have also lost 7
pounds that I would have been better off not losing since last Fall.