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Good info on pH balancing
dpandlp Views: 4,713
Published: 16 y

Good info on pH balancing

Effects of Acidosis and Alkalosis

To deviate from ideal salivary pH for an extended time invites illness. Acidosis, an extended time
in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis and
most cancers. If salivary pH is not in optimal ranges, the diet should focus on fruit and vegetables as
well as remove strong acidifiers such as sodas and red meat. Alkalosis, an extended time in the alkaline
state, results in most other diseases, such as the symptoms of constipation, flu, heart trouble,
indigestion, and bacterial and viral infections.


URINE: Allow the urine to run on a small piece of the pH tape.

SALIVA: Spit on the tape rather than putting the pH tape in your mouth.

Alternatively, you may urinate or spit in a small cup and then dip the pH tape in the fluid.

Immediately compare the color of the pH tape with the color chart and log it on your chart.

Log the first urination and designate it as such. The first urination is a composite of the acid/alkaline
swings during sleep and is analyzed separately. Measure the saliva at the same time. Note that urine
and saliva pH do not always coincide - one may be acid and the other alkaline.

Measure the pH of the second (or any subsequent) urination of the day.

If your urinary pH is not within the 6.4 to 6.8 range, take a gentle step to assist it.

If the tape shows acidic pH (less that 6.4) or too yellow, select one of the following:

1. Cool bath or shower.

2. 6 oz. pineapple juice or most other fruit juices, but not cranberry.

3. Fresh vegetable juice.

4. Herb teas: chamomile, peppermint, fenugreek, red clover, hibiscus.

5. Deep breathing, rapid exercise.

6. Salt and baking soda bath, or Epsom salt and baking soda bath. (2 lbs. salt, 2 lbs. baking soda in full
tub. Soak for an hour.

7. ½ tsp. citro-carbonate (available in drug stores) in water, but only use this when the other means are
not available, or the pH is unresponsive to other means

8. Lemon juice in water.

9. ½ tsp. baking soda plus ¼ tsp. cream of tartar plus juice of ½ lemon in 4 oz. water.

If the tape shows alkaline pH (more than 6.8) or appear too green or blue, select one of the following:

1. Hot bath or shower.

2. Mustard bath (1 oz. dry mustard in warm bath for 14 minutes - no longer!)

3. Drink unsweetened cranberry juice (dilute in water.)

4. Vinegar bath (2 cups vinegar to full tub. Soak 30 minutes.)

5. Herb teas: desert herb, spearmint, shave grass (horsetail), raspberry leaf, buchu.

6. Eat low-stress proteins: soaked seeds, sprouts, sesame tahini.

7. Eat sauerkraut, sour pickles, olives.

8. Take brisk walks with long strides.

Since it is often difficult to control and correct an acid pH through diet, homeopathic remedies can be
used. Natrum phosphoricum (Nat. phos.) is one of Schuessler’s cell salts and is useful for conditions
arising from excess lactic acid. Through the presence of Nat. phos., lactic acid is decomposed into
carbonic acid and water. Nat. phos. is able to bind itself to carbonic acid which is exhaled and
exchanged for oxygen. Nat. phos. is also necessary for dissolving uric acid in the blood. If uric acid is
not dissolved and deposited from its solution in the joints, then arthritic rheumatism occurs.

For alkalinity, homeopathic remedies based on the potassium salts can be effective. Such Kali
remedies impact the fundamental state of the vital force and therefore also the pH factor. Kali mur is
for when there is a thick white discharge, severe inflammation, sluggish liver, and when the throat and
Eustachian tubes are affected. Kali phos is indicated for jangled nerves, grief, despair, or sorrow, and
its hinders decay from infection. Kali sulph centers on the lungs, sinuses, bronchi, and skin and acts as
a lubricant to distribute oil whether it is lacking or clogging pores or glands.



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