Anthony! Blue Overtone Storm
Hey Anthony!
I just wrote the following thinking that you were on Day 6, but I made a mistake and you're actually on Day 5 - Blue Storm (sorry the on-line one says November 28th or something - that was your last one!) Anyway...I thought that maybe what I wrote below would inspire you for tomorrow!
So how are you feeling on this Day 6 Yellow Sun day!! How's the blissful marriage of your male and female integrating today? How's the Union coming?? Cool how Yellow Sun fits soooo nicely with the Day 6 energy of bringing heaven to earth through uniting the male and female within! loooooovely...
Sending you a blast of Rhythmic and Solar energy combined!!!
Wow...I just truly felt Sun-Pulses rhythmically radiate out towards you!
Hope you felt it...I'm going to do it again...
love T
So..I sent you Solar Pulses anyway!
But today, you are really experiencing a Blue Storm day as your Core Purpose!! woooo. How's it going?? Feeling like one of your main purposes is to allow yourself to break yourself apart in order to be put back together again in a more beautiful and powerful way?? Hmmmmm...I have a huge affinity to Blue Storm (it rules my whole chart!)'s it feeling today?
looooove T!