Re: Blue Eagle Wavespell - starts July 2nd, 2004 - Mayan Astrology
Ok that is what I thought!!!
I have been teling a friend that this time around I seem to be a few days ahead this time. I am experiencing and learning the lessons before the spell started. This morning I woke up with a warmth flowing up my spine and it felt cool as it spread to my extremities...I would think something was wrong if it did not feel so pleasant...I forgot to read day2 last night so when I read it today I said Ahhhh. The staff!
Yes this is my day I can feel it...yesterday was phenomenal I feel that it is the time that my challenge is conquered and the focus is realized as all falls into place...
low grade headache....maybe adjustments any other signs? I hope it clears up.. I have had a major clearance going on in my throat the past 2 weeks. I lost my voice for a week and when It began to come back it is minus sore lymph nodes and I released huge amounts of mucus coating and my chronically irritated throat is finally healing after about 10 yrs!!!
Anyway I feel like a pro at this wavespell now after unknowngly setting good intent for the one last year, my mini, the venus transit and now this one.
Love A.