I tried Threelac, Bio acidophilus, homemade yoghurt, fermented cabbage water. All made my condition worse.
It is important to know that if your problem is parasitic (and many people say candida and parasites go hand in hand) that probiotics feed parasites. Read http://www.badbugs.org
for evidence especially if you have an amoeba.
There was a programme on the BBC last year in which 21 people took probiotics for 3 weeks. Some people showed signs of para-cresol which is made by Clostridium. In these people the probiotic encouraged the bad bugs. In other people, the probiotic had a good reaction. The consensus is that we don't know which probiotics suit us (basically you are interfering with an ecology that has evolved in humans that we don't fully understand) You just have to use trial and error.