Incurables Program: The Second 30 Days
I could write prolifically about how the second month on the IP has gone. In many ways I've been disappointed because my schedule has been crazy and I haven't been able to do the full blown thing. I have felt like a salmon swimming upstream during the summer run almost all month long. There have been many other days when I've been so emotional that all I've wanted to do is be with Jesus or write to Uny or try to find some solace on the internet because it "wasn't happening" at home (i.e., Calgon, take me away!).
But the thing that has had the greatest impact on me this entire month happened today. My Dad (and Mom)is here for Easter. He hasn't seen me since Christmas. He's been watching me all afternoon and evening cook and clean and direct and eat and laugh and try to be a good hostess to 16 people. He was working with me in the kitchen and he said, "You ARE getting better! I can tell it in your arm strength! Whatever you're doing, keep it up, because it's working!"
I almost cried.
I'm just doing the Incurables Program, y'all, and not even that well.
It's just tiny things that the average person wouldn't know to look for.
I can walk from my back steps to my car in the driveway without anyone helping me. I can get a hoodie on the normal way. I can drink from a glass with my right arm. When I bend down to get a bowl or something from a lower cabinet, it's a smidgen easier to return to an upright position. It's slightly easier to go up a flight of stairs. Two nights ago I tried to do "girl" pushups, and I did one. I can line dance really, really badly.
I lost ten pounds. I've released cups of mucous and bile, plus
parasites I don't want to talk about. My libido returned. My PMS went completely away, and my cycle was much shorter and lighter. My eyes are bluer, and my hair and skin are softer. I laugh a lot more. Life is worth living.
I juice fasted for 45 days- not totally, but definitely for the most part. I then went to raw vegan with mostly juicing. Food both disappoints and delights, depending on the quality. I'm listening to what my body wants to eat.
I think my best day was on a Saturday after I had done a "big"
Liver Flush and released over 100 gall stones. I did yoga, meditated/prayed/sunbathed/sungazed/sat barefoot and bare legged "on the planet" for an hour at noon outdoors, drank everything, did the showers, the enemas, the herbs, the oils, the skin brushing, the attitude (just buzzed). I think I did everything except the massage and the Cold Sheet Treatment, both of which take someone else to help me.
Spiritually I'm growing by leaps and bounds. My relationship with Jesus Christ has grown both in breadth and depth. I am taking steps to become true to myself. The real me I've been hiding for decades is emerging. I'm beginning to feel beautiful and feminine again. Ever so slowly I am gaining confidence.
Happy, happy Easter, everyone. My love for all of you is strong, and my hope for all of us is genuine. Uny and Rocky, wow. And thank you.
May God receive the glory,