Congratulations on your postcard day vermal! That is awesome. Just starting to do the few but very important things that you are can make a world of difference. I know because I'm experiencing them too.
I know its all working together doing everything that I am. I was planning on writing a post about how things are going. I just hadn't gotten to it yet.
Good for you on the junk food decision. People with metabolisim issues like us can't handle the toxins, chemicals and poisons in the food.
Sunshine and deep breathing . . . ahhhhhhhhh
wonderful antidotes. I totally agree with how important the deep breathing is - it literally releases endorphins in our body when we use our lungs how there meant to be used.
And yes the hot/cold showers - how much more natural can natural healing get : ) its free, its easy (well maybe not easy) you can do it anytime. Dr. Shulze says its the #1 way to increase circulation even more so than herbs. I think this alone helped me to sleep better from the gate.
And I must share with you that the HC wean is continuing to do well. Yesterday I started the 3rd decrease I'm at 25mg down from 32.5mg. I'm totally ELATED!!!
I am supporting my adrenals/thyroid with Ashwaganda Powder 3 x daily 1 heaping TBS. And I'm taking the cayenne tinc, cayenne powder, Adrenal tinc, Glandular tinc, and Nervine tinc from Uny.
I'm so pleased your already reaping benefits. Keep up the good work.
I'll be doing an update post soon.
Hummingbird Sage