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Re: MMS as a first step or latter protocol?

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

cwk-mms Views: 2,969
Published: 15 y
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Re: MMS as a first step or latter protocol?

hi ccox!

I would recommend that you first do 14 days of Oxy-Powder intestinal cleansing (the Oxy-Powder will be taken every other night, ie, 7 Oxy-Powder intestinal cleansing treatments done total), to generally prepare you for the MMS to follow later. The Oxy-Powder will gently cleanse your entire intestinal tract of the intestinal plaque that lines your intestinal wall (which is akin to sewer sludge lining a sewer pipe), which is a home to and is food for the Candida & parasites. The Oxy-Powder will also flush out some of the easy-to-reach Candida & parasites with minimal, if any, die-off reactions, because with the Oxy-Powder you are just flushing out, rather than directly killing, the Candida & parasites.

After completing the Oxy-Powder gentle intestinal cleansing, you will then still need to use the MMS to directly (brutally!) kill the stubborn, dug-in Candida & parasites remaining in your intestinal tract and that likely also exist systemically, beyond your intestinal tract, via your bloodstream.

The MMS will itself be a parasite cleanse (and a Candida cleanse, and a LOT more!), so, no need to do a separate traditional herbal parasite cleanse. Just make sure that you start out with just 1 drop of MMS per day (it is that strong!), and then raise your daily dosage of MMS gradually, to perhaps 10 drops per day.

Then, after you have used the MMS for around a month and can comfortably tolerate 10 drops of MMS per day with no major die-off reactions, you will then be ready to start doing a series of liver flushes, integrated with your continued MMS use.

That is, after having used MMS for a month, then do a liver flush. Then, take MMS daily for 2-3 weeks, then, do another liver flush, and then just keep repeating that pattern over and over, let's say, until you have completed 5-8 liver flushes.

- cwk



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