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Re: Oh My GOD! I think I passed a tapeworm!
ccox Views: 17,074
Published: 16 y
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Re: Oh My GOD! I think I passed a tapeworm!

I know it seems inconceivable at this point to not be grossed out...but this to will pass. The day I discovered I had pinworms (oh and lice from my children's school) at the same time, I was beside myself. I itched and wiggled and was just generally freaked out because there were things in me.

Nonetheless, in time (everyone is different) you will get over it. And wall peggy is saying is that your human curiosity will overtake your freakiness in that you become fascinated of what comes out of you when you lived for years not knowing anything existed. Peggy is also highlightiing the feeling of accomplishment you get from seeing progress (in the toilet and such). It validates you, makes you feel you are not crazy to do these odd health things and makes you feel that you will be better soon with these things behind you.

The sadness comes from...well my friend put it best when he said he is upset when he goes to the dr and they find nothing wrong. If you know what is wrong, you can work to fix it. It is empowering and no longer having that thing to work on and having to find the next thing can be a little sad. Worms passing...not sad.

Hang in there, you will not feel that grossed out for long. Be calm and realize that this is part of nature and that we are all part of an ecosystem and you are part of that. It still mean that too much is too much and reducing your load is usually good for you.


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