Re: My reply to them.
No doubt westerm Medicine has some very valid applications. No doubt at all. But when it comes to disease processes most of it is sheer invention and a very deliberate attempt to hasten your demise or put you in slavery.
The valid part of midicine can be considered for the most part as crisis therapy. Which at this time in history has to include people not taking care of themselves so they develop the necessity for knee replacements, artificial hips and all that. Ultimately Natural Healing will prevent all that so the only crisis therapy needed is with accidents and injuries, not prolonged self abuse. Self abuse that is mostly perpetuated by the medical establishment. It IS their agenda to keep you sick. They do not like you and me.
But I got a kick out of the guy going on about chemical poisoning being imaginary and he totally missed my reference to that. Okay buddy, you drink some agent orange every day for a couple of months and then come talk to me in a year. You WILL be sick.
And it's obvious he's never been seriously ill or watched a loved one die at the hands of the medics. Someone that was healthy yesterday and dead today. Murdered by medical treatments. Which I've seen all too much of over the years. Healthy people mostly in the 50's and 60's, people that had a good 30-40 years of life left to live killed by medical treatments. Dead, gone, friends of mine, I was their doctor.
Gary Nulls "Death by Medicine" is a great reference book. All documented right from the medical professions own publications. The stats don't lie.
And a colonoscopy is only of the descending colon, it doesn't get up into the transverse or ascending colon or the small intestine. And besides the ole coffee enema works. And I've seen the colon cleanse protocols work for years. And it stinks, and it's amazing what comes out of people. Use the bathroom at the far end of the house.
So obviously he's a spokeman for the drug companies. Not to worry, he'll wake up some day. They'll kill someone close to him or even put his life in danger and almost kill him. I've seen it time and time again over the years. Those who pooh-pooh us end up needing our services.
Confusion reigns. That's why I put together the Nautural Healing Paradigm. It takes a lot of that confusion out of it. Makes the whole show understandable from a purely physiological standpoint (no guessing).
A hint on ascertaining truth - Consider the source. Usually the highly credentialed "experts" work for "the man". Not all, but most. That's where the money is.
I studied history, the old folks, the athlete's, and the survivors. I'm still here.