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Re: My reply to them.
knows Views: 2,372
Published: 16 y
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Re: My reply to them.

I posted this on their web site. Doc

Toxins: What the EPA goes after. You know, carcinogins, chemical poisons. Toxins.
Imaginary illness: I invite you to drink some Agent Orange (toxin) every day for a couple of months. See how you do.
Mucoid plaque: Found over 40 pounds of it in John Waynes colon.
Self medicating: Over 120,000 people a year die from their prescription drugs. Another 90,000 from secondary infections from hospital stays. Iatrogenic diseases are now the number one killer in America. Passed Heart disease a couple of years ago. 860,000 a year dead. Iatrogenic = caused by the doctor or his treatment. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. Doesn't include the creation of "terminal" and many other things.
So with stats like that you better learn how to take care of yourself.
Better learn HOW to get healthy and stay healthy.

Medical paradigm = no cures.

Natural healing paradigm = getting healthy.

I respectfully suggest you turn your skeptic eye on your beloved medical profession. You won't like what you find. Genocide pure and simple.

Doc Sutter
Chiropractor, Vietnam veteran, Cancer survivor


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