In trouble, major attack of bone pain...
...Upper body bones ache like I would imagine fibromyalgia to feel like.
...Arms/shoulders, neck and jaw, ribs and breastbone, breasts, liver/gallbladder area...all when awakening from a nap in front of the hour and a half, or two, ago.
I tried to find a description of what fibromyalgia, or mercury poisoning, FEEL like, but couldn't, with the concentration I could muster, in those forums.
I'll fetch the link to my one-woman thread in the Mercury forum...
I can't believe that I am the only one here who has ever felt this, and that no one else has described it.
After the crisis point, today, it very slowly subsided, coming back slowly at times, in waves, and is nearly gone now, after supper.
I don't want THE cure, unless you have one handy, mostly I want it to be recognized...point your finger...give me a clue where to look, please.
Although my thinking felt clear, I entertained the thought that I was dying, when the pain was at its worst.
I kept trying to lift any part of my upper body that would ease the pressure downward that I felt. I wanted to pull it out of my thumbs, for that seemed to be where it was beginning, or ending, on either side.
I also happened to read Sara's description of how she lifted herself out of her ailments. (Sara, of Sara's Soup Kitchen forum.)
Her final entry to her list was that she began to say out loud how she really felt about things. She writes that, once she began speaking her feelings aloud, the stress or pressure, or whatever it was, would lift, and she would feel fine.
She adds that buried feelings are toxic.
Sounding it out sounds very attractive to me.
At the time that I read that, I made some small sounds of protest, enough to attract my husband's attention, momentarily, and I wondered if I could be rid of this by yelling.
Anyone had any relief by doing so?
I don't mind saying that I don't want to experience this pain ever again.
I was truly afraid it was all over, for me.
Dh would NOT be pleased to be widowed for a THIRD time!
He's rather fond of me, bless his heart.