Re: What Hulda says about symptoms(Newport,? Cysteine and metals)
I did the same thing with MSM, after reading it killed
parasites in large doses-- not realizing sulphur stirs up the mercury. The ND did everything he could to try to make me "testable" with the muscle testing about that time, and I was too far "out of balance"- I made the 3 1/2 hour trip for my appt with him for nothing because he couldn't do anything with me being untestable like that. It definetly was the brain (neurotransmitters).
I also was getting headaches, which I normally don't get, after starting on a liver detox supplement through the ND--and then realized it had the ALA (alpha lipoic acid) in it, and it was doing the same thing. Glutamine also caused the same reactions before I realized what it was that was doing it- and that's when I figured out the ammonia/glutamine thing (with help from Newport, and the Cutler book).
Not too long ago, I was reading posts by a girl that had discovered she had mercury- and had started chelating through a Dr (not frequent dose), and was having horrible detox symptoms going on. I had directed her to the Cutler chelating (frequent dose) forum to do some reading, and she said she had ordered the Cutler book...
And then--she was posting again about how horrible she felt..and had just done ALA, again through a Dr--through the vein!
The Cutler book has alot of other good information in it- well worth getting. "Amalgam illness".
I've talked to several people that have gone through chelating nightmares that caused long term health problems from trusting that a Dr knew what they were doing. In fact, just today a friend was telling me that she had wanted to have the DMSA push test done, and the Alternative Dr that was treating her turned shades of gray, and told her she really didn't want to do that...and then she found out that it was because the Alternative Dr had had long-term kidney problems after doing just the push test with the higher doses of DMSA.