Hi HOW, I am gluten intolerant as well, and it can be sooo hard on adults, let alone children. Kids seem to understand that they can't eat certain things but it doesn't make it any easier for them when they see all their friends being able to eat food with gluten. I also get terrible excema and rashes from gluten, and its not always easy to know if what you eat contains gluten , as it is added to just about everything. I found out a few months ago that my granddaughter also has gluten intolerance, my daughter was starting her on solid food and gave her a piece of bread crust to chew on and she had a severe anaphalactic reaction , turned blue in the face and almost instantly came up in a rash.
I know allergies are more common these days, my theory is that its to do with the pollutants in the ecosystem. But thats not a lot of comfort for people who suffer from them.
I feel for your daughter and hope her rash clears quickly,