Woodman, I am not going to sit here and defend Obama in general terms, because his choice of Cabinet picks and free spending ways only months into his term have certainly been a complete embarrassment, but maybe you need to come down just a few steps from that high Mountain you are standing on? Obama didn't go to Europe to "trash" America. Arrogance and entitlement have been the downfall of every "great" civilization throughout history. Go back and read your history books. I would take your words a little more seriously if you had stood proud and tall against the arrogance of the Bush doctrine. But somehow I have the feeling you didn't. This ain't 1950's Leave it to Beaver times. We are in the twenty first century. The habit of Americans continually bringing up saving Europe during the 40's, well after awhile... it starts to lose a little of its luster. To say we have troops over in Europe and other places now because we are worried about those nations is a little less then honest, to put it mildly. We are there because we are worried about our own ass. If your boy Bush hadn't of ruled with such a Cowboy mentality, maybe we wouldn't have to be trying to make amends??
P.S. - don't bite my balls off. That looks like a pretty mean set of choppers, although I am sure he is probably a sweetheart.