I totally relate with the doctors and vaccines. We did not vaccinate our children either. Today was the first "well visit" (yah right..they were well..until surrounded by a bunch of running nosed, coughing , feverish kids, in the waiting room). My girls are 4 and 7 yrs old. I used to just say..Vaccines up to date..yes.when they had sick visits.
Today though, she said.."well we have no records on file" We used to live in Italy so I lied and said.."well we did them in Italy". She pressed and wanted them to be faxed..etc etc..saying it would be difficult to provide the school form. Finally I told her we had a religious exemption! Damn. She was fine with that. Anyway..point is, I really don't believe in well visits. There is a good book about it "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor". I took my kids to alternative Drs often..homeopathic, kinesiologist, chiropractor. I feel for us, it has been just fine.