Oh my gosh if he is anything like me he will totally freak out!
I recently started taking balck walnut capsules and clove capsules while I wait for payday to order Humaworm.
Geez I jumped so fast and hard you would have thought the darn worm looking thing was comin at me!! It was as long as the BM istself and attached along the outside of it. Very clear very scary and very sicking. The sound that escaped me was reminecesant of a fearful growl!! Looking at the picture on my computer still grosses me out to no end.
I would love to be in the room to see the look on his face!!
My former docs as well told me my health issues were in my head and that I had a bad case of hypochondria that needed addressed by a competent phychyatrist. But they had me on antibiotics all the time and could not seem to get tha anti biotics DON'T cure hypchodria anymore than they cure illnesses!!